Chapter 11. goodbyes are hard

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"HELLLOOOO?????" A voice shouted sounding like it was coming from downstairs "ARI??" Another voice chimed in.


Arden jolted awake immediately looking to her side where Bella was still asleep, she opened the door and walked out shutting it behind her

"Whhaaat do you waaannnt Clementineee?" She spoke walking down the stairs

"And me" Isaiah added "I'm here too"

"Hello Isaiah, hello Clem, it is to early for thissss" Arden said dragging out her words

"Maybe, but I'm home, did you miss me" Clementine grinned

"I did, I really really did" Arden responded pulling her into a hug

"Y'all, I'm still here" Isaiah chirped once again

"Get over here dingus" Arden said pulling him into the hug as well "so how was your parents house?"

"Oh you know, like usual, I literally breathe and my mom criticizes me, she seriously never leaves me be" Clementine sighed breaking the hug

"I don't know why your mom is such a pest, she doesn't let you live your life at all" Isaiah added

"Literally" Arden said rolling her eyes

"OH MY GOD THOUGH, HOW WAS YOUR TIME WITH BELLA!" Clementine practically shouted



"oh my god.." Isaiah spoke "I know whats going on"

"Huh?" Clementine raised an eyebrow

"She's. Still. Here." He responded pausing after every word


Arden shrugged ignoring the question

"I find this suspicious" Clementine added "did you guys kiss"


"Are you lying?"


Just as Arden was about to get the second no out her bedroom door opened

"OH MY GOD" Clementine whispered

"Told you" Isaiah grinned

Arden walked up the stairs while Bella walked out of the room "hey bells, how'd you sleep?"

"Good love, how about you" they smiled rubbing their eyes

"How'd you sleep"
"Good love"   Isaiah and Clementine mocked from downstairs

"As you can tell, my friends are here" Arden said putting her palm on her forehead

"WEEE AREEE!!" the friends spoke in unison

"Hi guys" Bella smiled checking her phone

6:30 am

"I'm gonna go pack my stuff I'll be back darling" they spoke smiling at Arden

"Of course" she smiled back

"OOOOO!!" Isaiah called

"SHUT UP!" Arden responded angrily

After Bella finished packing and getting ready he walked back downstairs, the three friends weren't by the door anymore but there was music coming from the kitchen

"LOVE GROWWSS WHERE MY ROSEMARY GROWSS" Arden and Clementine sung at the same time, dancing around the kitchen

Bella managed to take a photo when they both weren't looking before they dragged him to dance with them

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