Chapter 19. Intertwined

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small A/N before the story!!

thankyou to my amazing friend and reader Veronica for the suggestions <3

and another thankyou to my very good friend Isabella for the advice <3

(love you both)

I hope you all like this chapter!! I loved writing it! please give feedback and leave suggestions for what you'd like to see !! ENJOY 💗💗💗💗


The group had ended up back at Clementine and Arden's apartment and Arden had finally stopped crying but she was still very much in shock, looking at Bella every chance she got just to make sure it was real

"why are you looking at me like that?" Bella giggled

"like what?"

"like that!"

"I'm nooottt"

"oookkayyy" Bella held Arden's face in her hands "I've missed this"

"I've missed you" 

"EEEWWWW GAYYYY!" Indigo shouted sitting on the floor playing card games with Isaiah while Arden, Clementine and Bella sat on the couch

"What is this homophobia I'm hearing?!" Bella looked at them raising an eyebrow 

everyone looked over at Indigo looking shocked as she held her hands up in surrender "I'M NOT HOMOPHOBIC I LOVE LESBIANS!"

"suuureeeee" Bella giggled

"I haven't missed you much" Indigo responded sticking out her tongue 

"yes you haavee" Bella mocked

"no, but Ari did she called me crying like every-"

"ANYWAYS!" Arden said pretending to clear her throat

"Every night huh?" Bella responded looking at Arden


"you sure?"


 'every nightttt' Indigo mouthed the words and Bella laughed again

"GUYS IM BOREEEDD" Clem shouted sliding off the couch

"Aren't you always?" Isaiah asked

"NO! We should throw a party"

"a party? that's random as fuck"


"is that a good idea?" Indigo added to the conversation "Remember what Ari did last time"

"let's not even go there" Arden added

"a party could be fun" Bella shrugged

"BELLA'S ON MY SIDE" Clem stated pointing over at them

"yeah but it's two against three" Isaiah laughed


"I'm not against it, why not, maybe more of a get together though" Arden finally agreed


"okay fine" Isaiah joined


"I'm always down for a party I suppose" Indigo also agreed

"YAYY! A PARTYY!" Clementine got up off the floor "Isaiah and Indy you are on snack duty, Bella and Ari drink duty, and ill get the house ready"

"damn they've already planned it" Bella laughed

Are you bored yet?? | Bella RamseyWhere stories live. Discover now