Chapter 15. party tonight?

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Arden woke up, her eyes sore and her face still red. She felt the presence of someone beside her, slowly turning to see Clementine still there. It was dark outside, even darker in the room, the only light being Arden's phone which wouldn't stop buzzing.

she picked it up off the bed to check the time

4:23 am

Arden sighed and unlocked her phone to see what all the notifications were



hey Ari, I just want to say I'm sorry

I'm here whenever you're ready to talk

you're probably not awake yet but call me when you are

I still love you and I don't want this to end

I didn't mean to make you feel shitty

just call me whenever


Arden grumbled putting her phone back down on the bed, she didn't want to talk to Bella especially not after what happened last night and how it made her feel. She was still in love with him none of that had gone away but she needed to calm down before they talked again.

Arden laid there tossing and turning for an hour trying to fall back asleep, it was impossible. She sat up and walked out of her room, softly closing the door on her way out to not wake Clementine.

her phone lit up again as she walked down the stairs

"no" she said quietly to herself assuming it was Bella, but she checked anyways.



hey Ari bear, I see you're active on insta, Its early but Clem told me a bit of what happened, if you need me my doors open 🥰

thankfully it wasn't Bella but she didn't text Isaiah back instead just liked the message, grabbed a water bottle and made her way down to his apartment. She sent Clementne a text on the way so they wouldn't be worried.



I'm going to Isaiah's, didn't get kidnapped ily

she opened the door and walked into Isaiah's place, it was colder than hers

"saiah?" she said quietly

"kitchen!" he shouted back, so much for being quiet

"Hey, what're you doing up so early?" Arden asked walking into the kitchen

"I have an audition today, gotta mentally prepare DUH!" he replied sitting on the counter

"oh I see I see"

"yeah! so..." Isaiah's tone changed "How are you doing"

"oh, fine, I guess"

"yeah?" he asked tilting his head

"" Arden admitted

"aw, what happened?" Isaiah asked frowning

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