Chapter 26. So close!!

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It was finally close to 6pm, Arden and Indigo already made it to Olive Garden and had a table now they were just waiting for the others.

"they're taking forever I might die of boredom before they get here" Indigo put her phone face down on the table, staring at Arden signaling for her to put hers down as well

"we have only been here for" Arden checked the time "five minutes Indy" she laughed and put her phone down as well

"okay well five minutes TO LONG"

"you're so dramatic"

"no way, me?!"


"well ANYWAYS" Indigo cleared her throat loudly "how are you and Bella? are you excited to see them?" 

"oh absolutely, more than anything, i miss them dude" 

"i can imagine, I'm not sure how you both survive the distance"

"to be completely honest, neither do i"

"fair enough" Indigo laughed as she turned her head to see who walked through the door 

"who is it?" Arden asked 

"Clem!" Indigo stood up eagerly waiting for them to walk over

Clementine spotted their table and walked towards it "hi guys!" they said as Indigo pulled them into a long hug "how's it going?"

"good! it's good!" Indigo sat back down and Clem sat beside her

"that's goooood!!! where are the others?"

"not here yetttt" Arden added to the conversation


right as they finished speaking the door opened again and Isaiah walked through with Isabella

"wow good timing" Indigo said turning to look again

"Hiiiiiiii!!" Isabella smiled as she approached the table, she was holding Isaiah's hand and he was holding her bag

"HI ISAA! how are you guys?" Arden stood up to hug them both 

"I'm alright!" Isaiah grinned and looked over at Isa

"I'm good too!" she added as they took their seats

"I am so glad everyone is here, I was getting bored" Indigo sighed

"she's impatient" Arden shrugged

"she definitely is" Isaiah laughed 

"ANYWAYS" Indy changed the topic "are you guys excited for the sleepover"

"thrilled" Isaiah said sarcastically, as soon as he said it Isabella gave him a little slap on the arm 

"he's excited, and I am very excited!"

"I'm excited" Clem giggled

"good everyone is excited then!" Indigo smiled and Isaiah sent her a sarcastic grin

The group joked and talked for a while, then ordered their food and eventually it arrived

"these breadsticks fucking SLAP" Isaiah said taking two at once

"yeah but do you really need two?" Isabella side eyed him

"yes. i do."

"he's protective over his breadsticks apparently" Clem said looking at Isaiah

"that I am" he stated

"what an odd thing you are" Arden spoke

"that I also am!" 

Are you bored yet?? | Bella RamseyWhere stories live. Discover now