Chapter 2. The premiere

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"Ari!!" ...

"ARDEN GET UP!!" Clementine shouted banging on Ardens door "THE PREMIERE IS TODAYYYY"

"oh my gooooddd I'm awakkee" Arden responded slowly sliding out of bed and opening the door. 

"ah! good morning gorgeous" Clementine said teasing her "now get downstairs I made food" they said smiling and walking down the small set of stairs that led to the kitchen and lounge.

Arden grumbled as she turned to look in the mirror "eesh, gotta brush my hair before I do anything"

Eventually, Arden went downstairs and greeted clementine again while pouring herself a glass of orange juice "hey Clemmmm"

"hi Ardennn" 

Clementine was already at the table with their plate of food but they were waiting for Arden so they could eat together.

Finally the two were both at the table, Arden scrolling on Instagram and Clementine doing the same

"Hey Clem?" 


"what exactly do you know about Bella Ramsey?"

"OOOO someone has a celebrity crush" Clementine said mocking her "I don't know much but I'm pretty sure she was in that show "Game Of Thrones"

"hmm I haven't seen that yet" Arden said still on Instagram 

"are you gonna say hi to her at the premiere?" Clementine said genuinely curiously

"yeah I want to, I probably will, are they gonna be at the party too?" 

"I'm not sure you'll have to ask Isaiah"

"I hope they are, they're fine as fuck" Arden giggled and Clementine joined.

They both finished eating and went to their rooms to get ready for the day, the premiere wasn't until later but the four friends decided to hangout together for the day.

"CLEM IM GOING DOWN TO ISAIAH'S NOW!" Arden yelled from the front door as she was leaving 


Arden walked out the door and walked over to the elevator


"ARDEN?!" Isaiah replied not paying attention

"NO AN AXE MURDERER" she said walking into the lounge where he was watching a documentary about fish "what the hell? you're so boring"

"nahhh it's called education" Isaiah responded 

eventually, Clementine showed up then Indigo and they all discussed the plan for the day which was to all hangout at Isaiah's place and get ready for the premiere together.


"TIME TO GET FABULOUS!!" Indigo cheered

"Already?" Isaiah whined back

"me and clem will get ready in the bathroom" Indigo said back

"okay ill go in the guest room" Arden smiled 

"ill be in my room" Isaiah said already halfway there

The four went their ways and got ready, none of them ever liked when other people helped with makeup or clothes, they always got ready by themselves

Isaiah was the first to be ready "LET'S GO!!!" he called waiting for them

"GOD YOU ARE IMPATIENT" Indigo walked over to the door with Clementine behind her "ARDEN HURRY OR ISAIAH WILL DECAPITATE US!!!"

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