Chapter 3. The party

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The four of them hung out for a bit, went to taco bell and then eventually arrived at the party.

"IM SO EXCITED" Clementine always got excited about parties, like a small child going to a birthday party.

"okayokayokay Isaiah and Clem over here" Indigo said as she began whispering to the two

"I already know you guys are gonna abandon me why keep the convo secret" Arden scoffed as she headed for the door to go into the party

The others followed behind her slowly so she'd be in front, they all looked around for a second to take in the surroundings and that's when Arden noticed Bella in the corner talking to someone 

"go up to her" Clementine whispered

"huh?" Arden responded 

"oh come on you're clearly staring, now go" they said giving Arden a small push

Arden walked slowly over to where Bella was and that's when they locked eyes, Bella started to smile which made Arden smile back

"you're here!" Bella said grinning 

"you're here!" Arden said back with a slight giggle 

"I'm so glad you made it !! Im not sure if you saw but I followed you back on Instagram" Bella chimed still smiley

"oh yeah! I saw!! thank you! so how did you like the premiere?" 

"I really enjoyed it! I really enjoyed talking to you as well"

Arden was almost speechless Bella seemed so sweet 

"I apologize I feel like I'm being incredibly awkward" Arden nervously giggled 

"no no don't apologize, I find it quite cute" Bella smiled and Arden could feel her face getting red

"ARDENNN!!" Indigo yelled as she walked up to her with the other two friends behind her "we're bored and ditching, you coming?"

"What we haven't even been here for 10 minutes yet??" Arden asked confused

"yeah but we're booorrreeedd" Clementine whined 

"exactlyyyy" Isaiah joined

"okay well I guess we can go, I'm sorry Bella it was-" Arden was barely finished speaking before being interrupted by Indigo

"she can come!"

Arden looked at Indigo then back at Bella

"id love to! this place isn't much fun anyways" Bella laughed 

"I CALL SHOTGUNNN" Indigo yelled running to the car

"I'll go in the middle" Arden said

"I'll just go wherever" Bella said opening the car door and gesturing Arden to get in 

"okay Bella so this now means you're officially in the group I hope you know that, and you have to accept it because there's no leaving" Indigo shrugged turning to look at them

"yeah that's why I'm here" Isaiah sighed jokingly

"SHUT UP YOU LOVVEE USSS" Clementine added to the conversation

"so where exactly are we even going" Arden asked

"I don't know Isaiah chose, it's a surprise" Indigo said turning up the music "I LOVE THIS SONG!!!"

they all chatted and sang to the songs until they arrived at a park, everyone got out and Arden immediately ran to the swingset "HELLLL YEAAHHH!!" 

Bella followed behind her sitting on the swing next to Arden's 

Are you bored yet?? | Bella RamseyWhere stories live. Discover now