Chapter 1. Arden & friends

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The bestiez !! :P
The only guy - Isaiah
Tweedle dee - Indigo
Tweedle dum - Clementine
Ari - Arden

The only guy
are you guys all coming to the after party after the premiere?

Tweedle dee
Is there booze?

Tweedle dum

Tweedle dee

yes !!! of course we're gonna be
there!!! Isaiah do not listen to Indigo LMAO

Tweedle dee
always so mean 2 me SIGHHH

The only guy
alright ill make sure your names are on the list then (except indigo)

Tweedle dee
I give up with this chat >:(

indigolikeblue has left the chat
secretlyarden has added indigolikeblue

you cannot escape that easily >:O

Tweedle dee
I'm a prisoner

Tweedle dum
no, you are the prison <3

The only guy
why am I even a part of this friend group

Tweedle dee
you chose this DUHHHHH

The only guy
I did not choose this group you all chose me

but you willingly joineeeedddd

The only guy
willinglyyy... suuuurreeeee


These four losers are Ardens best friends, clementine came first, they met in kindergarten when Clementine asked for a pencil and Arden bit them...that's a long story.

Then came Isaiah, she had met him at a theme park where he worked at the time. They were 13 and Arden lost track of where her friends went, luckily Isaiah was working at the lemonade stand and took his break to help her find them.

Arden met Indigo in middle school around the time she met Isaiah, she didn't have many friends at the time and was quite shy but Indigo was like a ball of sunshine and she always knew how to light up a room, and she very much gave that talent to Arden.

as soon as they were old enough to move out Arden and Clementine moved into a small three bedroom apartment together. Isaiah had his own apartment which was conveniently the one right below Arden and Clementines and Indigo still lived with her parents.

Isaiah and Indigo previously knew each other since they had both been child actors and worked together numerous times, Indigo doesn't act as often anymore but Isaiah is still an actor and a damn good one too. Arden has had a few roles and has a good following on her main Instagram account but she is in no way famous. Clementine isn't into that stuff at all, they're far too shy but they go to every event as a plus one to support their best friends.

Isaiah was recently cast in a new movie and his premiere is in a few days, all of them are going to support and congratulate him even though none of them will know anyone there (except Isaiah) there is going to be an after party once the premiere is over with only maybe 20 people at most. Arden always got nervous about things like that but she knew Isaiah wanted all of them there so she decided to suck it up and go, who knows maybe she'd meet someone new.

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