Chapter 5. House tour !

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"Hi Ari!" Clementine beamed as Arden walked down the stairs and into the kitchen

"well good morrrningggg!" Arden respnded

"you slept in a bit later than you usually do!"

"I did?? what time is it"

"let me check, it isss 11:15am"

"oh that's not even that baddd, I almost got scared cause Bella's coming at 1:00 and I do not want to be late or not ready"

"well you're lucky you still have a few hours" Clementine said pouring Arden a glass of orange juice as she sat down at the table

"thank goooooddd, what time are you going to your parents?"

"not till 4 or 5 later but I'm hanging out with indigo at 1:30 so I'll be out of your hair for the most part"

"oh no don't worry I don't mind you here I was just wondering" Arden reassured and smiled goofily 

"mmmmhmmm, what are you two doing all day?"

"What are you my mom?" she scoffed 

"no but I'm curious, gimme the deets pleasee"

"Honestly I am not too sure, I think we're just gonna do whatever. the main plan is they will come over here today, hangout, leave around 7 or 8 pm then come back the next day and we're gonna go to that bookstore over that way" Arden said pointing vaguely in the direction of the bookstore 


"I hope so I am extremely nervous I can't even lie"

"you'll do amazing" clementine smiled as they walked away to go upstairs "I'm going to get dressed byeee"


"what time is it noooow" Arden mumbled to herself checking her phone "11:19 am, still time" 

she put her glass in the sink and walked upstairs to get ready

"I don't even know what to weeearrr, why am I talking to myself, dear lord I'm going insane"

Arden flopped on her bed staring at the ceiling once again "I still have time at least" she slowly slid off her bed and looked at herself in the mirror "I look kinda good for just waking up dammmnnn" she pulled out her phone and took a quick picture "I'll post this when I'm done getting ready"

She slowly got up off of the ground and stood in front of the closet staring at all the clothes completely indecisive of what to wear, something to impress Bella maybe? but there was no point in that since they were just staying home anyways. comfy casual? she let out a long sigh "I seriously don't want to make a bad impression"

after what felt like forever of looking through the closet she decided on a basic sweater, blue jeans, green converse and a green beanie.

"eh good enough, now what time is it"

12:45 pm

"well I didn't think I took that long, at least I didn't plan on doing much makeup" She said brushing her hair and putting her beanie on "I'm gonna post that picture now"




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