Chapter 28. Love stronger than steel

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Arden slowly opened her eyes, giving sort of a 'where am I?' look

Indigo registered the look immediately "C'mon, we're here, Bella is waiting!"

Arden's eyes shot open immediately as she remembered exactly where she was

"oh my fucking god" she whispered to herself but Indigo heard 

"you okay?"

"yeah, good, good, great, so great, slay!" she responded clearly nervous

"okay?" Indigo shot her a confused look "Don't be nervous, it's literally just Bella, you are gonna be A-okay Ari"

Arden smiled and nodded as everyone shuffled out of the aircraft

Indigo grabbed both Arden's carry-on and her own since Arden seemed to be in a weird hazy state where nothing felt quite real

"cmon" she stood up and grabbed Ari's hand 

they followed the crowd walking out of the plane and into the airport 

once they got to a place with less people Indigo handed Arden her bag

"here you goooo, hey, look at me, it's going to be great, okay? you'll be okay" she smiled and Arden smiled back

"yeah, you're right"

"Always am, now, we have to meet Bella at baggage claim"



I'm here my love

I can't wait to see you

I brought you a little gift





we're on our way

walking to baggage claim right now


okay 💜

"Bella?" Indigo asked looking at Arden who was on her phone

"uh yeah, yeah"

"it's right around this corner, you ready?"

"no, but yes"

"okay breatheee, innn, and outtt, now?"

"yeah, ready" she softly smiled and put her phone in the pocket of her jeans

Indigo smiled back and grabbed her hand as they turned the corner

at first Arden couldn't spot Bella, who was looking around enthusiastically 

then, in a matter of seconds their eyes met, Bella's brown doe eyes twinkling and lighting up at the sight of her girlfriend

Arden sped up until eventually she was running towards them

Bella dropped their bag as she finally jumped into their arms

Indigo stood back slowly walking towards them grinning intensely 

"hi princess" Bella whispered, Arden's face hidden in their shoulder, one of their hands on her head running their fingers through her long curly hair, the other hand on her back 

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