Chapter 31. here regardless of the pain.

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"did I do something?" Bella asked

"no" Arden replied

"are you sure, this seems odddd" 

"it's not odd" she said practically dragging her partner up the stairs

"where are we going?"

"you ask too many questions, shhhh"

"yes ma'ammm"

Arden found a guest room and walked in, pulling Bella in before closing the door

"whhhhaaaaat is going on?"

"shut up and kiss me"

Bella instantly sobered up after hearing that sentence, grabbed Arden's hips, pushed her against the wall and kissed her 

Arden let out a small noise and grabbed Bella's face, pulling them deeper into the kiss

Bella's hands moved around, exploring Arden's body slowly, lifting her dress without breaking the kiss

as soon as Arden's dress hit the floor the bedroom door flew open


the person standing in the doorway covered their eyes as Arden scrambled to grab her dress

Bella walked over to them, walked out and closed the door so Ari could change

she could hear the conversation through the door

"Bella i am SO sorry, I didn't know you guys were in there"

"don't be sorry Amybeth, it's okay I swear, don't sweat it"

"fuck dude I am so damn sorry"

"dont beeee!"

Amybeth eventually walked away and Bella opened the door walking back into the room

"you okay princess?" they asked pulling Arden into a hug 

"Yeah of course, it happens" she sighed



"I'll make it up to you"

"oh will you?"

"oh I will, perhaps later, but who knows" Bella smirked

"I'd like that"

"good, now, whatdya say we go back to the hotel?"


they walked down the stairs, analyzing the lounge, looking for Indigo

"there she is" Arden said heading over to the drink table where Indigo was talking to a group of people

"hey Indy"

"hey Ari, hi Bella, whats upppppp!"

"I think we're ready to go now" Arden smiled

"whaat, nooo" she frowned

"we're tired indy pleeeasseee"

"okay okayyy fairrr, let's go" Indigo smiled

just as they were about to walk away Amybeth walked over 

"I can give Indy a ride later" she smiled "to apologize for, yeah, you know..."

Arden exchanged a look with Bella and then Indigo

"that's okay with me, also apologize for what?" Indy questioned

"uh, nothing" Bella smiled "We'll see you later then Indy"

"Please be safe, I love you" Arden hugged her and made her way to the car with Bella

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