Chapter 21-30

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Chapter 21

Ying Yushi was very happy to see her daughters back.

She wiped the corners of her eyes, and first asked, "Hasn't Tangtang come back? How is your Grandma Wei?" --The

daughters asked someone to bring a message back, saying that Grandma Wei was sick and hospitalized, and they would stay for a few more days Take care of the elderly.

The family brought back the third child in the past few days, but the situation of the third child is more complicated. He has multi-organ complications all over the body caused by a lung infection, and needs a relatively clean environment to recuperate. As soon as he was discharged from the hospital and returned home, he developed a dust allergy and even coughed up blood for a while, and his condition was very critical.

Ying Yushi and her husband were so anxious that they hurriedly sent their son back to the hospital, and then mobilized the whole family to clean up, cleaning everything inside and out, especially the third child's room.

The third child's room is the one with the worst orientation, no windows, and the smallest area in the house. In the past, there were a lot of things piled up in his room, which was considered half a storage room.

Taking advantage of the fact that the third child went back to the hospital again, when it was raining, he took some time out every day and moved all the miscellaneous things in his room into her and her husband's bedroom, so that the third child's room only put one A bed, a chair.

The less stuff the easier it is to keep clean.

So the family has been spinning around for several days, and they didn't care about their daughters when it was raining. She also discussed with her husband, thinking of going to Weijia Village to see the situation after the busy few days.

Unexpectedly, the daughters came back.

Zhizhi and Pengpeng told what happened in Weijiacun.

Talk about how Grandma Wei was injured, how they did a small business to help Grandma Wei earn hospital expenses, and how they met the Luo brothers, so that they and Grandma Wei formed a pair to help each other... At

home Everyone was stunned.

--Pengpeng's character is a bit aggressive, but she probably can't come up with such a clever idea. Tangtang is still young and has a weak personality, so she probably doesn't have such a big idea.

So, all these ideas were thought of by Zhizhi?

All eyes were on Zhizhi.

During this process, Ying Yushi kept looking at her two daughters.

Zhi Zhi and Peng Peng stayed in Weijia Village for a week.

During this week, Zhizhi's body has undergone earth-shaking changes-she used to look unhealthy, with sickly paleness; now, although she is still thin and her skin is still as white, her whole body People are radiant.

Ying Yu said in amazement: "Hey, you two are doing well!"

Peng Peng hurriedly said: "It's all thanks to Zhi Zhi!"

Zhi Zhi said with a smile: "I don't know how much I have. Well, it's mainly because the fourth sister is reliable! Otherwise, tell me about the frosted hawthorn and braised pork buns, which one can I make?"

This is the truth.

Ying Yushi praised: "You two are both good boys and capable people!"

Zhizhi smiled.

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