Chapter 46-50

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Chapter 46

After a few days, the living environment of Zhizhi and her friends has improved significantly.

Of course, they still live in the bamboo shed...

But Shen Shuhua and the others finally selected the soil with good hardness and the best ratio of soil and water after two days of experiments and comparisons. Now the male educated youths have started to build the kiln. Once the kiln is built, bricks can be calcined on a large scale.

The female educated youths have been reclaiming wasteland along the hillside.

For the land opened on the same day, water it thoroughly on the same day and the next day, and plant the vegetable seeds on the third day. For the convenience of management, Zhizhi also peeled bamboo slices and inserted them in the vegetable garden, and wrote the names of the vegetables grown on the bamboo slices.

After a few days, they opened four or five vegetable plots and planted more than ten kinds of vegetables.

What makes people feel happy is that the first vegetable field planted since going to the island has sparsely grown young cabbage seedlings!

The girls discussed whether they should plant some rice and wheat first.

It is now the end of August. Farmers plant rice, usually sowing in March and April, transplanting in May and June, filling in July and August, and harvesting at the end of September and October. It takes about six months.

The growth cycle of wheat is longer than that of rice, which takes about eight months.

If rice and wheat are planted at this time, won't they be harvested until the coldest period in February and March next year?

But what you can take advantage of is that the climate of the island is hot and summer in four seasons.

So Zhizhi held a dinner meeting.

Everyone unanimously decided: no matter what, open two plots of land and try planting first. Even if it is not successful, it is everyone's planting experience!

After the meeting, everyone laughed and started to eat dinner.

Now their food has also improved significantly.

At Zhi Zhi's request, the male educated youths built another open bamboo shed, which combined the kitchen and dining room into one, and added a rectangular bamboo dining table.

When eating, each person has a small stool and a table...Three meals a day have become more ceremonial!

The quality of the food is also much better than when they first came to the island.

Now they have a total of about 30 catties of flour and 20 catties of rice left. Zhizhi was reluctant to eat them all at once, so she thought of ways to add a little staple food to each meal.

For example, following Fang Lijuan's advice, she soaked wild vegetables, blanched them, chopped them finely, sprinkled some flour and salt, mixed them well, and steamed them in a pan... Fang Lijuan said that it would be better if some hot oil could be poured on them have eaten.

Zhizhi was reluctant to pour hot oil on it, so she used the method she learned from Aunt Tian, ​​the cooking aunt of the Educated Youth Office in the provincial capital, to roast the sea fish without spines until it was burnt and crispy, and then beat it into meat floss with a mortar, and sprinkled it on the steamed fish. A good flour coating dish.

The wild vegetables remove the astringent taste, and become mellow after being wrapped in flour, with an excellent taste. It is delicious when served with a piece of steamed fish.

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