Chapter 321-330

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Chapter 321

Zhizhi was stunned.

The whole family was also stunned.

--Luo Jianhua, he... jumped off a building?

When Ying Yushi, who was crying on the bed just now, heard this, he immediately sat up, hurriedly put on his shoes, wiped away his tears, and rushed downstairs immediately.

Zhizhi also put down the bowl and chopsticks, and rushed downstairs with her family.

When she ran downstairs, she saw that there were already many people surrounded by Ying Yu, and ran towards the Tongzilou where the Luo family was located.

Zhizhi also ran behind with her sister-in-law and younger sister.

When I ran downstairs to Luo's house, I saw quite a few people gathered downstairs- some even shouted, "

Let's go! Let's go... Doctor Ying is here! Everyone, let's go!"

People immediately got out of the way and rushed over in response to the rain.

Zhizhi arrived one step late, and she saw a man lying face down on the ground, his body, head, and face were covered in dust and blood... Her

heart was beating wildly, and she couldn't even stop for a while. Dare to confirm whether that person is Luo Jianhua.

Bie Pengpeng knelt on the ground with blank eyes, crying...

On the other side, Wu Qin was crying hysterically, "Help! Help...My God! My son...Jianhua! Jianhua, how dare you really jump off a building..."

Shan Chaofeng asked the onlookers, "What's going on?"

People chattered -

it turned out that after Luo Jianhua left his other home, he returned to his hometown. At home, I started to pack my things, saying that I would leave here and move to the dormitory of the chopsticks factory. Wu Qin, who chased Luo Jianhua back, refused, and later developed into a family war, and everyone in the Luo family blamed Luo Jianhua. Then Luo Jianhua rode on the balcony, shouted "I give you my life back", and jumped down with open arms...

Hearing this, Zhi Zhi looked up at the Luo family.

--Luo's house is located on the third floor of the Tongzi Building. The old-fashioned building is not too high, and the distance from the third floor to the ground is about ten meters. The place where Luo Jianhua fell was a piece of turf, and he was still face down...

Fortunately, he didn't hit the ground on the back of his head first!

I hope that Luo Jianhua will subconsciously use his arms and hands to protect his heart and brain before he falls to the ground... He was

already kneeling on the ground in response to the rain, crossing his fingers and starting CPR for Luo Jianhua, and shouting, "Farewell! Farewell! !"

Bie Fengjun squeezed up, "When it rains? What can I do?"

"Quick! Give the child artificial respiration-" Ying Yushi confessed.

Bie Fengjun immediately took off his glasses and handed them to someone else. He also knelt down beside Luo Jianhua, coordinating with the CPR in response to the rain, breathing out for Luo Jianhua from time to time.

Zhizhi also shouted anxiously, "Ambulance! Has anyone gone to the hospital?"

No one answered.

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