Chapter 191-200

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Chapter 191

Zhizhi and Fu Mingyu used all their strength to paddle, and quickly headed towards Seagull Island.

Slowly, the gloomy wind turned into a knife wind of rain. The rain was not strong, but it was blown on people's faces...

it really hurt!

Against the wind, the two rowed to death with all their strength, and finally arrived at Seagull Island.

There were several people wearing raincoats standing on the pier, one of them was Li Shu, he stretched out his hand, and helped Zhizhi get up from the boat. The others immediately worked together to pull up the boat, dragged the boat ashore, turned it upside down, and tied it to a stake with ropes... Zhizhi saw that there were

already a dozen boats turned upside down on the shore, and this was almost Seagull Island. all ships.

Presumably everyone has already returned?

The wind whizzed, piercing and sharp.

Zhizhi asked Li Shu loudly, "Have everyone come back?"

Li Shu also answered her loudly, "Hehe and Shuhua are still missing...we wait for them here, you and Mingyu go back first!"

Zhizhi nodded , ran up the mountain with Fu Mingyu.

Fortunately, she was facing the wind when going up the mountain, and the strong wind pushed her forward like crazy, which saves more effort than usual when going up the mountain.

As soon as the two of them reached the Educated Youth Station, Gao Tiantian stood at the entrance of the cafeteria and shouted: "Zhizhi! two hurry back to the dormitory, take down your bedding, we must stay in the cafeteria together! By the way, you have to close and lock all the doors and windows of the dormitory... Remember that the weather has cooled down, so you need to bring more clothes..."

Fu Mingyu turned around and went to the boys' dormitory building.

Zhizhi also hurried to the girls' dormitory building, packed up the bedding and clothes, took candles, matches, flashlights, and the two people she was usually looking at, hurriedly packed a bag, and then closed the front and back doors, The windows were all closed and locked, and then hurriedly went downstairs with the bedding, and ran to the cafeteria.

The spacious canteen of more than 300 square meters is now overcrowded and crowded.

Yu dew walked Zhizhi into the cafeteria, explaining as he walked: "Zhizhi, it was the platoon leader Li who asked us to stay here with the soldiers. He said that it was the first time for everyone to experience a typhoon. Know what the impact will be. So it's best for everyone to stay together and not be alone..."

Zhi Zhi nodded.

Yu Lu said again: "Our educated youth station is allotted this piece of land, and their soldiers live at the gate... Now, Shuhua and Yao Shu live outside, and we young girls live inside..." Zhi

Zhi I saw that the territory belonging to the female educated youths was covered by several bamboo rattan frames, and a door was left. But there was a curtain over the door.

Still relatively private.

--These bamboo rattan racks were originally placed in the reading room, and they were used to put textbooks and notebooks for everyone.

Zhi Zhi opened the curtain and went in.

There is not much space inside, but it is more than enough to put down six girls' bedding.

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