Chapter 481-500

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Chapter 481

Li Shu, Uncle Fatty and the others went to Snake Island to check the situation and came back. The ship had just sailed to Justice Island...

He squatted on the bow to pack his things.

--Zhizhi likes to eat blue-footed flower dragons, this time back, the uncles caught seven or eight of them alive, and they were all raised by Li Shu in a wooden bucket filled with sea water. Oh, by the way, there is also a large grouper weighing about ten kilograms and a particularly ferocious octopus...all are Zhizhi's favorites.

It would be best if Zhi Zhi hadn't had dinner yet, so he and his uncles would not waste their lives trying to get back by rowing the boat.

After a while, he steamed the body of the grouper and used the head to boil the soup. There's no way, Zhizhi tastes bland, if the grouper is grilled, she won't eat much. Steamed, she can eat a big piece! Fish head soup is her favorite, she likes soup with water, so after a while he brought back a white radish, cut the radish into shreds, and put it in the fried fish head soup for about ten minutes, and boiled the shredded radish It's fine when it's soft... Sprinkle some salt, pepper and chopped green onion when it comes out of the pan, it must taste good!

However, we have to prevent her from eating rice because she loves soup.

As for the blue-footed flower dragon, Zhizhi likes to eat it raw, so the shrimp paste in the shrimp head can be used to make porridge. It's still the method my mother-in-law taught Li Shu - boil the rice porridge before going to bed, then turn off the heat, and then keep the pot covered all night, and boil it for about ten minutes on the first morning, and you will get a pot of soft and fragrant rice Porridge. This method not only saves briquettes, but also saves time. Otherwise, if you want to boil the rice grains into porridge, you can't cook it well in less than an hour.

So, before going to bed, he processed the shrimp paste in the lobster head, fried it in an oil pan over low heat until it was fragrant, and then boiled it with rice grains. Tomorrow morning, put it on the pot and boil it for about ten minutes, add some salt and green onion, and it will be a delicious lobster and shrimp paste porridge! Give Zhizhi breakfast, she eats more, her health will be better...

As for the octopus, I will raise it for another day and eat it tomorrow... Zhizhi likes to eat fried octopus legs with green onion sauce!

Li Shu squatted on the bow to collect the catch, with a relaxed and cheerful expression. He was even imagining how happy Zhi Zhi would be when he and his uncles came back early and brought back so many seafood.

Then he saw Da Chen on the pier.

Da Chen came to look for Fang Lijuan from Seagull Island, but found no one, and was about to go back. He suddenly saw Li Shu came back, before he got off the boat?

Da Chen was so excited, "Brother, hurry...Follow me! Come with me!"

Li Shu was stunned, "What's wrong?"

Da Chen anxiously said: "Oh brother, don't ask! Come with me... ...Sister Zhizhi was bullied on Seagull Island!"

Li Shu's expression changed instantly.

--Zhizhi was bullied on Seagull Island? What a joke! ! ! People in the entire Nanling area love much to the bottom of their hearts! How could someone bully her?

"What's going on?"

Li Shu was still immersed in the joy of seeing his lover just now, his whole body was as gentle as jade, and his eyes were full of undisguised joy. At this moment, his expression suddenly changed, his whole body was full of violence and gloom, and his eyes staring at Da Chen were also very unkind.

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