Chapter 251-260

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Chapter 251

Zhi Zhi looked at this strange young girl curiously.

The girl was crying like pear blossoms and rain, and looked at the way she came from from time to time, as if a monster was chasing her, with a flustered and terrified expression.

"Comrade, what happened?" Zhizhi asked.

The young girl cried: "He, they are unreasonable...By the way, you, who are you?"

Zhizhi pointed at Li Shu, "He is the People's Liberation Army, if you have something wronged or wronged, just say it."

Li Shu glanced at Zhi Zhi.

As soon as the young girl heard this, she stepped forward and grabbed Li Shu-

Li Shu was very vigilant, took a step back in an exaggerated way, put his hands behind his back, and said loudly: "Comrade, please speak carefully and don't touch me." "

The young girl blushed, and complained in a low voice: "Yes, I'm sorry...mainly the people here...are too barbaric! Comrade Liberation Army, can me?" Li Shu asked

seriously Said: "What exactly did you do to make people and gods angry?"

Young girl: ...

At this time, someone finally rushed down from the educated youth station on the middle of the mountain.

Still far away, Zhizhi and her friends recognized the person as Hong Hehe.

Hong Hehe should have been furious.

She had just run two steps when she fell down, got up again and rushed down the hill angrily, yelling... probably because she was so angry that her voice was so sharp...

Zhizhi didn't understand What is she talking about.

But when the young girl saw Hong Hehe chasing after her, she became anxious and wanted to get into Li Shu's arms all the time, "Comrade PLA, please save me..." Li Shu turned around and ran away in fright


The young girl was stunned, and then looked at Li Aiguo, the only young man left in the same field.

Li Aiguo also noticed that the young girl seemed to want to throw herself into his arms, and quickly said, "I'm with Hong Hehe! Tell me... who are you? Why is Hehe so angry? What did you do?" What about destroying our Seagull Island?"

The young girl cried "Wow", "It has nothing to do with me! Huh, I don't know anything... I want to go home and I don't want to stay here..." It was too late to say it,

then quick.

People rushed down from the educated youth station in the middle of the mountain one after another, and Hong Hehe ran first.

When they got close, Zhizhi realized that Hong Hehe ran down crying!

Zhizhi, Fang Lijuan and Li Aiguo looked at each other.

--We have been together for more than two years and have a better relationship than brothers and sisters. We understand each other's personalities very well. Hong Hehe is heartless and introverted towards outsiders, but internally, he is a very lively and optimistic person.

What happened to make Hong Hehe so angry and sad?

"Kill her! Kill her!!!" Hong Hehe ran over crying, grabbed a stone in his hand and threw it at the young girl, "...Zhi Zhi! Kill her!" Her! Kill her... Woohoo!"

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