Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51

Just do it.

Zhizhi first asked the educated youth to inquire about the whereabouts of the female educated youth who was driven crazy by Wei Limin, and the details of the incident.

Then she wrote a letter of petition to the higher-level Youth League Committee, asking for the replacement of the current director of the Educated Youth Office, and at the same time made several demands on the new director... By this time,

Tao Rongye was still not sober.

Zhi Zhi planned to visit the educated youths in the village first.

Before leaving the town hospital, she thanked Li Shu first, and then bid him farewell.

Li Shu asked her, "Are you going back to Seagull Island today?"

Zhi Zhi didn't want to hide it from Li Shu, after all, it was all up to him to save the siege today, and in Tao Rongye's matter, she might rely on him more...

so She told the truth, "Although it's a new era, there should still be boundaries between men and women. I'm not suitable for taking care of Tao Rongye, but I can't just walk away.

" At least wait until he wakes up... Besides, didn't you say that the investigation team of the Youth League Committee will arrive tomorrow? I also want to report the situation of the director and Tao Rongye to the investigation team. Now that Tao Rongye is in such a state, if Without Tuan Ji's support, I'm afraid I don't even have money for medical treatment."

"Besides, Wei Limin, Wei Limin's father and Zheng Ping have to be watched. If I leave like this, Tao Rongye will really be finished." Zhizhi said while counting the things she was about to do with her fingers. thing.

Li Shu was a little apprehensive, "You treat Tao Rongye so well?"

--Tao Rongye has always kept a low profile, Li Shu had never guarded against Tao Rongye before this. But then Zhizhi was about to run around for Tao Rongye's affairs, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Thinking about it carefully, Tao Rongye is tall and strong, good-looking and quite elegant...

"I can also help with Tao Rongye's affairs, as long as you ask." Li Shu said.

Zhi Zhi glanced at Li Shu.

That's really a bad sign.

However, she really needs all kinds of support now.

"Thank you Comrade Li Shu, if necessary, I will make a... request to you." Zhi Zhi said.

"It's getting late, I have to visit the town with my friends and ask about Wei Limin." Zhi Zhi said.

Li Shu, "It just so happens that I'm fine now, I'll go with you."

--Li Shu just came to Nanling not long ago, and only had a few face-to-face meetings with Captain Wei, but he didn't get to know him in depth. But Wei Limin is still in the police station, and Zhizhi is going to the production team at this time, Li Shu can't guarantee how Captain Wei will treat Zhizhi.

Of course it's better to go with him.

Zhi Zhi hesitated for a while before agreeing, "Okay, thank you, Comrade Li Shu."

At that moment, Zhi Zhi took out ten yuan and handed it to Shen Shuhua, asking him to find a way to arrange everyone's lunch and dinner first, and then he and Hong He He, and the three or four educated youths who jumped in the first, second, and third production brigades, led by Da Zhou and Li Shu, left the hospital together.

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