Chapter 261-270

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Chapter 261

Zhizhi felt that Li's mother was really sick.

Although the last time she chatted with Li's mother, she felt that the old lady's thinking and three views were very problematic, but seeing it with her own eyes today, she still couldn't help feeling angry and chilled for Li Ziqiang.

At this time, Zhang Wang laughed loudly, "Really! Did you hear it? This is Li Ziqiang lying!"

Then he said to the police: "Comrade Public Security, now that Li Ziqiang has admitted it in public, so it doesn't matter to me at all." If you want to arrest someone, just arrest him."

The police frowned, and asked Li Ziqiang, "Li Ziqiang, how did you know that Wu Zongyou was reselling glutinous rice for speculation?"

Li Ziqiang said, "Comrade Public Security, the situation is Such... There is no such person as Wu Zongyou at all. I made up the name of this person, which means "creating something out of nothing". It was originally a joke between my wife and I. I didn't know that my mother eavesdropped After learning about my conversation with my wife, I ran to tell Zhang Wang..."

Li's mother blushed and wept softly, "I, I didn't take the initiative to tell him. He came to ask me, so I, I said it... ..."

Du Meifeng stared at Mother Li bitterly.

Li Ziqiang's tone was calm and cold, "Comrade Public Security, I don't know Zhang Wang's mentality, so he ran to the police, saying that I asked Wu Zongyou to trade glutinous rice for speculation.


--In any case, Li Ziqiang's willingness to cooperate is very high. It's not as difficult to communicate as Zhang Wang.

So the police asked Zhang Wang again, "Comrade Zhang Wang, did Li Ziqiang's mother tell you about this? Or did you ask him


" Mine!"

Zhang Wang did not deny it, "I asked her first..."

Li's mother quickly turned to Li Ziqiang and said, "Ziqiang, did you hear that? I really didn't take the initiative to tell him! Yes, he asked first." mine......"

The son didn't even look at her.

Li's mother was inexplicably flustered and begged, "Ziqiang, you... are you angry? But I'm not wrong, I didn't lie, I really didn't..." The policeman said to Zhang Wang, "Go on.


Zhang Wang said: "Comrade Public Security, the thing is like this... One day when I came back at night, I found the workshop in the factory was brightly lit. I was thinking that the factory's profits have not been good recently, and as the head of a factory, I Can I not know if there is an order? Of course I know, and then I went to the workshop to have a look, okay, Li Ziqiang led the workers to work all night in the workshop! They are making pastries..."

"Comrade Public Security, you have never stayed in our company. Maybe you don't know. Although our factory is not profitable, we are a state-owned factory after all! Once the workers start working, should they be paid overtime, water and electricity bills? These are all big things, right? But Li Ziqiang didn't report a word to me, where is he putting me, the head of a factory?" "Oh, Li Ziqiang is

my younger brother, and I have nearly twenty For the sake of his face, I didn't get angry on the spot. The next day I met Li Ziqiang's mother, and I asked him what did Ziqiang do yesterday? His mother told me exactly... Oh, those words that look down on me as the factory director... Forget it, I won't pursue it, anyway, it's not the first day he doesn't respect me as the factory director, but I can't bear him doing illegal things! Knowing that Wu Zongyou bought glutinous rice instead Li Ziqiang still wants to do this kind of thing... That's why I took the pain to kill my relatives, and reported this matter to you right away..."

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