Chapter 171-180

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Chapter 171

Zhi Zhi and other ordinary people who picked up the bus rushed towards the exit of the long-distance bus station.

About seven or eight minutes later, passengers came out of the station one after another.

At a glance, Zhizhi locked on one of them, a middle-aged elegant woman in her forties, with a thin body, wearing a white shirt and blue coat, and carrying a black leather satchel in her hand.

"Teacher! Professor Huang!"

Zhizhi waved desperately.

The middle-aged woman turned around in response.

She smiled and whispered a few words to a tall young man beside her, pointed in Zhizhi's direction with her finger, and then the two walked quickly.

Zhizhi can be sure that that woman is Professor Huang Yachan, her mentor.

Zhizhi looked at the young man who was accompanying Professor Huang again, he should be one of her four senior brothers, most likely the senior.

However, Professor Huang said in the letter before that the female student Yuan Xishan who accompanied her to do the field research this time was suddenly changed to a male student for some reason. From this point of view, the room that Zhizhi prepared for Professor Huang and Senior Sister Yuan Xishan...may have to move the bedding in Senior Sister Yuan's room to the boys' dormitory.

Soon, Professor Huang and the young man walked up to Zhizhi.

Zhizhi called her again, "Teacher!"

Professor Huang smiled, "You are Zhizhi, right? Hello, I'm Huang Yachan!"

"Hello, teacher, it's been a hard journey!" Zhizhi said excitedly.

Professor Huang smiled and said: "It's not hard work, everything went smoothly. Come on, let me introduce you, he is your senior brother Huo Lingkun." "Hello, senior brother Huo!" "Hello, fellow junior sister!



Zhi He also shook hands with Huo Lingkun warmly.

Huo Lingkun looked at Zhizhi, and said in amazement: "Little sister, you look so good-looking! Hey, are you... have you turned sixteen?"

Zhi Zhi smiled, "I just celebrated my birthday last month, and now I'm eighteen."

"Oh my God!" Huo Lingkun sighed, "Young people nowadays are really amazing. Understood!"

Professor Huang joked, "You're not old now, aren't you only twenty-four or five?"

Huo Lingkun sighed, "Don't talk about age, we are still good mentors and apprentices."

Professor Huang laughed.

Zhizhi was relieved to see that the relationship between the teacher and the senior brother was so harmonious.

"Teacher, brother, let's go to the pier right now! From here to Seagull Island, we still have to catch an hour's waterway! I've already arranged the meals, and we'll rest at Seagull Island, okay?" Zhizhi asked road.

Professor Huang, "Then you lead the way."

A group of people went to the pier.

The thin monkey was already waiting at the pier.

When everyone got into the boat, the thin monkey drove the boat away with a long pole.

The huge full moon quietly floats in the deep night sky, illuminating everything with its faint brilliance.

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