Chapter 301-310

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Chapter 301

The dying Li Fen was taken back to the police station.

No one could recognize her.

Because the usual Li Fen wears bright white shirts and beautiful skirts all year round, with her smooth and vertical black long hair scattered behind her head. Because she does not participate in the field work all the year round, her face is always more delicate than others She is fair, and her lips are always more ruddy than others.

If someone asks her, "Li Fen, why are your skin so white and your lips so red?"

Then she will definitely say shyly, "Oh, I don't know, I don't wear makeup...I'm not Like you, no money for creams, no money for grooming. Maybe it's... I'm a natural, um, natural beauty."


The director of the police station squatted in front of this corpse-like filthy woman, and asked suspiciously: "Is she Li Fen?" --Li

Fen was lying on the ground, her rosy lips were swollen, turned out, and chapped due to extreme lack of water ; a pair of lifeless eyes like dead fish are half-closed; due to dozens of slaps from angry crowds, her white and beautiful melon-seeded face is swollen like fermented steamed buns, and it is still purple.

Even because her face was so swollen, her eyes could no longer be opened and could only be half closed...

The clothes on her body were so dirty that she couldn't tell what color she was.

She was originally wearing a skirt, but the aunts who found her felt that dragging a woman wearing a skirt on the street would be suspected of being exposed and indecent, so they used local materials to wrap her lower body with linoleum. It was only dragged to the police station.

The director of the police station had seen Li Fen.

Although Li Fen has always been known for being well-behaved, quiet, and beautiful in the past few years, she has never done anything illegal, so naturally she does not need to deal with the police.

But in the era of lack of entertainment, the May 4th cultural performances, New Year's Day cultural performances, and New Year celebration activities held by the Educated Youth Office in recent years... have become more and more popular. Not only are there many programs, but also the participation of the masses is strong, which is both interesting and close to the people. As the host, Li Fen has a very high appearance rate in such large-scale entertainment scenes.

There are more than 10,000 people in Nanling Town, and there is no one who doesn't know her.

Now the contrast is too great!

Rao, the director of the police station, was also a seasoned general before he was transferred to the peaceful and quiet Nanling Town, but he still couldn't believe it at this moment. host.

However, the experienced director is not blind to everything.

He frowned and asked the crowd who brought Li Fen to the police station, "Did anyone beat her?" The crowd replied in unison,


"No one was beaten!" "

How could we possibly What about beating people? It's wrong to beat people!"

"That's right, we didn't beat people!"


The director nodded in satisfaction, "That's right!" Then he took another look at Li Fen and asked again, "Did she already look like this when you found her?"

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