Chapter 351-360

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Chapter 351

After dinner, Li Shu went to clean up the dishes, and Zhi Zhi sat on the sofa and began to read Li Shu's textbooks.

She didn't move the textbooks for the culture class, she only took the basic professional textbooks, and began to draw the key points - these basic professional courses were studied by her, and there were her previous notes in the study.

After a while, when Li Shu came back from washing the dishes, Zhizhi asked him to carry her to the desk. She first showed him the highlighted book, and then found out the notes she had made before, and handed them to Li Shu. , said: "There are five basic professional courses in the freshman year, and you have to find a way to fully master them within a month... Didn't Professor Huang introduce Professor Jin to you a few days ago? You go to him to ask for freshman and sophomore The basic professional courses I took, and the notes also need to be returned..." "

Anyway, I am going to skip a grade at the end of this semester, and I will directly follow the sophomore next semester. Li Shu, I hope you can do the same! Don't blame me for putting pressure on you ...The greater the pressure, the greater the motivation! Then you can start reading these basic professional textbooks tonight. I will find a way to get some old test papers and practice questions back tomorrow. Let's see how you accept it. If you can accept it, fast forward , let's speed up the process."

"If it doesn't work, then we'll proceed step by step! We must be steady in learning professional knowledge..." Zhi Zhi said.

Li Shu nodded seriously.

At ten o'clock at night, Zhizhi took a shower and went to bed.

Li Shu made trouble with her several times...

What she didn't know was that after serving her to wash and dress, Li Shu quietly went downstairs to the study.

The lights in the study stayed on until the early hours of the morning.

In the next few days:

--The school holds a freshman activity, which is to let all the freshmen take the class as a unit and go to the open space opposite the school to plant trees. Zhi Zhi hurt her leg, Li Shu originally intended not to let her go, but considering that this event is also very commemorative... So Li Shu went to the scene with Zhi Zhi on his back, and then planted two saplings that cuddled together , and also wrote his and Zhi Zhi's names, classes, and tree planting time on a small wooden sign.

Next, it's the weekend break.

During the two days of rest, Zhizhi asked Li Shu to take her to the supply and marketing cooperative, bought some cloth, and then invited the neighbor next door to come over and help measure the size of the windows at home... "

Auntie , You have a sewing machine at home. If you have nothing to do, please help me make a few pairs of curtains. I am not in a hurry. When you have time, you can finish it and give it to me. The price is ten yuan, and the style is beautiful. According to what I said, Auntie will do the needlework, what do you think, Auntie?" Zhi Zhi asked.

The neighbor aunt is very happy!

--Zhizhi tore the cloth by herself, so the ten yuan was pure handmade money. Although I have to pay for the needle and thread by myself, what is the cost! This is really a generous reward!

"No problem, no problem!" The neighbor aunt said happily, "Tell me what style you want?"

Zhizhi directly drew a few sketches for the aunt, and even marked the size and style of the curtains... It looks like Clearly.

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