Chapter 231-240

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Chapter 231

At six o'clock in the morning, Gao Tiantian, the head of the dormitory, tapped a piece of iron tile with a small hammer, making a sound of "boom, boom, boom" that was not very loud, but extremely penetrating.

Chunya and the others came to Seagull Island the first day, and after personal experience and explanations from the men, they have roughly understood the daily routine of Seagull Island.

For example, educated youths will knock on this small iron tile during four time periods of the day.

--Tap once at six o'clock to remind everyone to prepare. At around 6:40 in the morning, there will be another knock to remind everyone that breakfast is ready.

--Tap once at 11:30 noon to remind people who are going to work to prepare to come back for lunch. Tap it again around 1:30 noon to remind everyone who is taking a nap after lunch that they are going to work.

--Tap once at 5:30 in the afternoon to remind people who go to work to prepare to come back for dinner.

--Strike the last time at 10:30 in the night to remind everyone to go to bed early.

So, when Chun Ya, nestled in the man's arms, heard the sound of the small hammer hitting the iron tile, and heard the man Lao Yao explaining softly in her ear what the early ringing represented... Chun Ya turned

around body, and kicked the man away.

--Nothing can stop my old lady from going to the fields to do farm work!

However, she stood barefoot on the ground, rubbed her sore lower back, and glanced back at the man.

At the beginning, she just saw that Lao Yao was about the same age as her, had an honest personality, and had greater strength. She felt that two people living together for a long time would be better than her working hard on the farm alone.

At that time, she didn't realize that it is not a good thing for a man to be too strong. For example, it is very likely that he will spend decades of energy that has nowhere to vent on her!

However, it is also very exciting.

Chunya glanced at Lao Yao, snorted coldly, and quickly put on her clothes. Holding the washbasin, towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash cup, he went out the door without looking back.

As soon as she went out, she saw her sister Jinmei who married to Seagull Island together.

Chun Ya glanced at Jin Mei.

The days of asceticism on Pearl Mountain made Jinmei, like the other sisters, never show any expression on her face.

But at this moment, Jinmei's face was rosy, the corners of her mouth were smiling, her brows were full of spring, and her hands were... like spring buds, holding a washbasin and preparing to go downstairs to wash up.

Chunya looked at Jinmei, and Jinmei also looked at Chunya.

After a long while, the two sisters laughed and chatted in a low voice--

"If you want me to tell you, this Seagull Island is better than Pearl Mountain. It eats well and lives well...or let's not wait for the New Year next year." I only said it when I went back to visit relatives, and now... ask Zhizhi to write a letter for us to go back, so that other sisters can also come..." "

You have the face to ask Zhizhi to write such a letter, but Zhizhi may not be sure Have the face to write it! What a shame! The return letter was sent to the town, and when the time comes, the sisters will take this letter to someone to will be even more embarrassing!" "Let Hongling write it! Hongling can

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