Chapter 441-460

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Chapter 441

In a blink of an eye, it is New Year's Eve.

Li Shu still didn't come back...

Zhizhi was a little bit impatient, and ran to Professor Shi's house to ask about the situation while stepping on the snow that was more than ten centimeters high.

Professor Shi went with Li Shu and the others this time, and he hasn't come back yet. The teacher's wife is preparing the New Year's Eve dinner at home with the eldest son, daughter-in-law and grandson, as well as the youngest son and the youngest son's girlfriend.

Seeing that Zhi Zhi came to ask about the situation with her big belly...

Ms. Shi hurriedly comforted her softly, "Zhi Zhi, don't worry, they went out to sea, there are too many unpredictable things... Hey, don't get me wrong! I mean, it's that... When you are away from home, there will always be some accidents that hold you back. This is the first time for Xiao Li to go to sea with a scientific research team, but it is not the first time for our Professor Shi. Let me tell you, he went out ten times. Time, nine and a half times there may be delays... so you don't have to worry, nothing will happen!"

Mrs. Shi is a person who has been here and has more experience, and she taught Zhi Zhi: "Don't worry! Nothing will happen Yes, I listen to the weather forecast on the radio every day at home. Since they went out to sea, the South China Sea has been calm. This winter, the weather has never been strange. If it comes to's hard to say, there will be typhoons in summer! "

Zhi Zhi recognized this point.

Ever since Li Shu went out, she has been watching TV every day, and even made a special notebook to record the weather forecast in the South China Sea. It is true that the weather has been calm recently...

Teacher's wife continued: "So Zhizhi, you don't have to be too anxious, go home Wait for the news at ease. For the Chinese New Year, let's have a good Chinese New Year... If they can make it back to celebrate the New Year, they will definitely come back. If they really can't make it, then they must be caught up by other things. We are family members , you have to stabilize your emotions, do your homework well, and don't make trouble for them."

Zhizhi nodded repeatedly, and she had no choice but to go back.

After all, it is still worrying.

Ms. Jiang and Lao Li saw Zhizhi's loss...

One thinks that for so many years, marrying a man is like being a widow. It's not easy, and it's also very uncomfortable in my heart.

Everyone cheered deliberately.

Lao Li vowed to make a marching delicacy for his family, so he took the iron egg and dug a shallow hole in a corner of the yard first to remove the snow to expose the ground. Then he killed a chicken, rubbed a layer of salt on the broiler, and stuffed the chicken belly with peeled potatoes... Of course, the surface of the potatoes was also rubbed with salt.

Next, he wrapped the broiler chicken with zong leaves, wrapped several layers inside and out, and then pasted a light layer of wet mud on the outside of the zong leaves... The

preparation work was completed.

Seeing this, Zhizhi and Ms. Jiang also understood-isn't this the beggar chicken!

Then, Lao Li lit a fire in the shallow pit and lit the charcoal. When two or three pieces of charcoal were about to burn out, he quickly put the muddy broiler into the shallow pit, spread a thin layer of soil, and then put a few pieces of charcoal into the shallow pit. Burning charcoal is placed on top of thin soil.

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