Chapter 1

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Jaemin's P.O.V


"I'm just saying, Nana, you're not gonna get any guy, with the way you act." My best friend Yangyang states, and I scoffed.

"Oh, yeah? Then how come, I got this guy's number the other day?" I ask as I held up a piece of paper in front of his face, and he took the paper from my hand and he looked at it, and he chuckled.

"Jaemin, this is the phone number to the pizza place downtown." He says.

"What?" I asked and I took the paper from him and I looked at it. I took my phone out from my back pocket, and I dialed the number that was written on the paper, and I waited for the person to pick up, and I was hoping it was the guy who gave me his number.

'Pizza Peel, how may I help you?' but sadly it wasn't - it was the pizza place downtown. I groaned and I hung up the phone, and I pouted.

"Man~" I sulked and Yangyang just laughed at me.

"I told you. You can't get any guy to like you, when you're mean to them - that is literally the third person who gave you a random phone number instead of their own." Yangyang told me and I groaned and I stomped my feet on the ground like a child who throws a temper tantrum.

"Why can't people just give me what I want?" I ask as I threw the paper in the garbage bin, and me and Yangyang started to walk down the blacktop.

"Well, when you put it like that, you're just asking for people to give you random phone numbers." Yangyang told me and I glared at him, and I sighed.

"Ever since you and I broke up, it's been so difficult to find a guy who would actually date me." I tell him, and he chuckled.

"Well, you kinda did dump me in front of everybody." Yangyang says and I pouted again.

"You have to remind me?" I ask him and he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Jaemin, you just have to wait for the right guy, he'll come around." Yangyang says, and as if on cue, I had bumped into someone, the collision making the person drop their books. "Great job." Yangyang muttered, and I sighed and I bent down and I grabbed the person's book, and I was gonna look up at the person, but I felt a head bump into mine, and I winced. I look up to that person, and oh my god, let me tell you: THIS PERSON IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Me and the person were just staring at each other, until the boy cleared his throat.

"Umm, can I have my book back?" He asked and I was pulled out of my thoughts, and I look down to see the book was still very much in my hand, and I blushed out of embarrassment, and I give the book back to him, and we both stood up from the ground, and he just walked off, and my eyes followed him as he took each step.

"You looked like a fool." Yangyang whispers to me and I turn my head towards him.

"I really don't care, because that guy was gorgeous! Who is he?" I ask.

"Umm, that's Jeno. He's been in your English class for the past two months." Yangyang told me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really?" I ask confused and Yangyang nodded.

"Yeah. But you were so caught up, with getting over pretty ol' me, and finding someone else to date." Yangyang stated and I sighed.

"Well, why didn't you tell me there was a new student in my English class, maybe I would've got his number sooner." I say and Yangyang rolled his eyes.

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