Chapter 10

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Jaemin's P.O.V

I put my hand against my mouth, as I tried to drown out sobs, because honestly, I just felt so bad for Jeno. He literally had to watch his brother get murdered right in front of him, and sadly it was on his birthday too.

Being a captain of a gang at the age of fourteen, really takes a toll on some people, and they usually give up, but not with Jeno. I can tell that he hasn’t given up, even though he’s wanted to give up multiple times.

Jaemin?” I hear Jeno's voice call my name, and I looked up at him, and he frowned at my state.

Sweetheart, why are you crying?” He asked me and I sniffled and wipe away at my tears.

I don’t know. It’s just -- I’m sad that you had to go through that.” I sniffle and Jeno smiled softly, and he wiped at the leftover tears that I couldn’t wipe away from my face.

Jaemin, it’s going to be okay, I’m not letting Johnny hurt you. I’ll never let anyone hurt you. Alright? Do you trust me?” Jeno reassured, as he pressed his forehead against mine, and I nodded and smiled softly.

I trust you.” I whisper.

Wait, holy crap, you saw him?” Donghyuck asked and I sighed and nodded.

Yeah, I saw him. He said he was coming after me.” I say as I just tap my pen against my notebook.

Holy shit. This is bad. He’s never done this. I’m surprised Doyoung hasn’t even called us.” Chenle says and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Doyoung?” I ask.

He’s our hacker, he usually finds out where the people we’re looking for are.” Renjun states.

It’s not like him, to not check in.” Yuta says and Taeyong sighed.

Remember, when . . . Jaehyun died, Doyoung wanted out of this life, remember?” Taeyong says and Jisung widened his eyes.

Whoa, you can’t say that name --” Jisung started to say but I shook my head.

I-it’s okay, Jeno told me.” I reassure.

Wow, he must care for you a lot.” Chenle says and I look over at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

What is that supposed to mean?” I ask him confused.

Jeno is not really the person who would tell the person he cares about, every little thing about him. Hell I’m actually surprised that he told you, because it took Jeno a while to tell some of us.” Donghyuck says and I sigh softly.

Do you guys trust him? I mean, I trust him completely, I just want to know if you guys do.” I ask them and they nodded.

We trust him - we have to.” Mark simply says.

Alright.” I replied.

Jisung’s P.O.V

I take my earbuds out of my ears, and I stick them in my locker, as I pull some books out for my next few classes. Ugh, I just want this all to be over, because Jeno says once we find Johnny, I can finally have my life back. I can finally stop being scared. I can finally be normal again.

But sadly you can’t leave this life, no matter how you try. It’s like with Doyoung. Doyoung lost Jaehyun four years ago, and Doyoung desperately tried to get out of this life, but he was pulled back in. I feel bad for him. He’s got a good relationship, and a good job, but somehow he was pulled back into this life.

Hey, Jisung.” I hear a voice call and I turn around to see it was Sungchan and Shotaro, and I grew confused -- what do they want?

Uh, hi.” I say awkwardly.

So, we uh, we heard about Jaemin, and how he got threatened, is he okay?” Sungchan asked and I furrowed my eyebrows, how did they know that?

How did you guys know that?” I ask them, I know Jaemin isn’t going around talking about this stuff, so something is up. Sungchan and Shotaro are really suspicious. After Yangyang disappeared these two show up. The more I look, they kinda look like the two minions Johnny had . . . oh god.

Oh my god.” I whispered and they both smiled.

I’m surprised it took you this long to figure it out.” Shotaro says and the both stand next to me on both sides.

I’m just glad that Jaemin is so oblivious. He probably doesn’t even know that we killed his precious best friend.” Sungchan says and I widened my eyes -- oh my god.

Now, you know this, Jisung, I don’t want to hear you say anything to your group or to Jaemin, or me and Sungchan will hurt the person you care the most about. It can’t be your parents, because Johnny had killed them -- hmm, oh I know, Chenle.” Sungchan says and I widened my eyes, as I feel tears well up in my eyes, please no!

Okay, okay, I won’t say anything, just please don’t hurt him, he’s all I have left.” I begged and Shotaro smirked.

Alright, that wasn’t so hard.” Shotaro says and he and Sungchan walked away from me, and I felt tears roll down my face, as I thought about what Shotaro just said to me. If he finds out that I told Jeno -- or anyone, especially Jaemin, then they will hurt Chenle, and I can’t have him die.

They’re with Johnny, they will do some awful things to him, and I don’t want him in any pain. I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Jisung, what’s wrong?” I hear the familiar voice ask -- and it’s the person I was just thinking about.

Oh god, Chenle can’t see me like this.

I wipe away my tears and I cleared my throat and I stared at him, and he looked pretty worried about my current position.

I was just . . . thinking of my parents, and how I would never see them again.” I say sadly, and Chenle frowned and he then pulled me into a hug, and I felt more tears roll down my face, as I let out some quiet sobs.

Shh, it’s okay, baby, I got you. I won’t leave you.” Chenle comforted, and I buried my face into his shoulder. Oh I hope that is true, because I don’t want anything to happen to him.

If something happens to him, then might as well just kill me now. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.

I’d rather die, than to see Chenle get hurt.

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