Chapter 5

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Jaemin's P.O.V


So do you know what happened?” A officer asked me, and my eyes went over to Jeno get questioned by an officer, and I sighed, shaky hands wiping away the tears that were crusading down my face.

N-no, I don’t know what happened. My best friend was murdered the week before, and today was his funeral. She was his mother. She had left in the middle of the service, and I really couldn’t blame her. When the service ended, I went and looked for her, since I saw she hadn’t come back and I found her body and she looked like how Yangyang was.” I say and the officer sighed sadly.

I’m sorry, you had to see this.” He apologized and I smile softly and I shook my head.

It’s fine.” I mumbled.

I bet you were glad your boyfriend was there for you.” He says, and I look over to where Jeno was. This is the second time that I’ve seen a dead body when he’s around, and it makes me wonder what he’s got to do with it. Jeno, then started to walk over where I was, I immediately forgot about what I was thinking about, and I ran over to Jeno, and I hugged him tightly and I placed a kiss on his cheek and he held on to me tightly, and I felt the warm and comfort he was giving me.

You guys should go home, we’ll bring you back in for questioning later.” The officer told us.

C’mon, bunny, let’s go home.” Jeno whispered and I nodded and we then started to walk away from the scene.

Jeno's P.O.V

I walked inside Jaemin's empty house, and Jaemin had taken off his jacket and he threw it on to his couch. “You want anything to eat? I could order some --” but then my words got cut off.

Jeno, we need to talk.” Jaemin says, and I was confused and I started to grow a little panicky. Shit.

Talk about what?” I ask trying to keep my voice stable.

Jeno, you’re hiding some secrets from me.” He told me and I widened my eyes - fuck.

No, I’m not.” I say to him.

Bullshit.” Jaemin snapped “Jeno, you never talk about yourself, so I barely know anything about you other than your birthday, and your favorite food. You also won’t talk about your job, which brings so much suspicion. Last week, when we found Yangyang's body, you were near that warehouse, when you said you were going to your job. Then I saw you and your friends walking back up to the school, in the direction of where the warehouse is.” Jaemin states and I gulped.

I-I can explain --” I begin but he cut me off by shaking his head.

Jeno, last week, Shotaro asked me how I could trust you, when you keep all of these secrets from me. For this past week, I kept on thinking about what he said, and I think he’s right. How can I trust you?” He asked and I licked my lips and I sighed, and I really don’t know how to answer him, without telling him who I am and what I do. “Jeno, I think we should break up.” Jaemin says, and I widened my eyes -- what? I was so shocked, I couldn’t even say anything. “You’re not even gonna say anything? You’re not even gonna fight for it?” He asked, getting really desperate and I was just so shocked -- I was literally frozen. “Jeno, just go. If you’re not gonna fight just go.” Jaemin sighed, and he went to walk upstairs but I couldn’t stop my mouth from saying the words

I’m in a gang!

Jaemin's P.O.V

Did he just say he was in a gang? My boyfriend, Lee Jeno -- sweetheart Lee Jeno, in a gang? I was literally frozen with my hand on the railing of the stairs. I finally had the courage to turn my head to face Jeno and he looked really brave about what he said to me. “You’re lying.” I whisper.

No, sweetheart, I’m not.” Jeno says, and I stepped away from the steps and I walked over to him.

Don’t play this game with me, Jeno. I’m not in the right headspace to be fucked like this.” I say to him getting a little bit angry, and he put his hands on my face, but I took them off, and he looked pretty sad about that, but he grabbed on to my face again.

Bunny, all of this is true. I’m a captain of a gang, called the Dream Team. My friends you saw when we found Yangyang's body and at his funeral, those were my gang members.” Jeno tells me, and he had so much sincerity in his voice, and I knew he was telling the truth. I then grew a little scared.

D-do you kill people? Jeno, please don’t tell me you kill people.” I begged feeling tears well up in my eyes, and I placed my head on his chest.

Bunny, I do kill people.” Jeno told me and I let a sob escape my throat “But, baby, I only kill them, because they’re bad, and those people hurt other people.” Jeno continued.

T-then who killed Yangyang and his mother?” I asked, and Jeno wrapped his arms over me.

A really bad man. Really bad. We’ve been trying to catch this guy for four years.” Jeno answered me, and I raised my head from his chest, and I stared up at him and he looked down at me.

Four years? What happened, that had you guys on this for four years?” I ask and he sighed.

I can’t tell you that yet. I know that’s keeping another secret from you, but it’s so personal that I can’t tell you.” Jeno told me, and I could tell how hard it was to tell me he can’t tell me.

I get it. It’s okay. You can tell me when you’re ready.” I tell him, and he smiled softly.

When did I get so lucky to have you?” Jeno asked and I smiled.

Call that fate.” I tell him and he chuckled and he placed a kiss on my head and he sighed.

Jaemin, no matter what happens, you have to trust me -- even when people tell you stuff, trying to get you to turn on me, you have to trust me no matter what.” Jeno says. I stared at him, and I kept thinking about what Jeno had kept from me. Jeno had probably kept this from me, because he wanted me to be safe, but he was pressured to tell me, and I feel guilty about it. Jeno has been the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, and I know Shotaro warned me of how I couldn’t trust him, but I trust him. He’s the love of my life. I’ll always trust him.

I trust you.” I answered.

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