Chapter 17

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Jaemin's P.O.V

Renjun was covered in blood. So much blood. His hands were drenched in blood. His shirt and his pants were most likely stained and never going to come off. He was also bawling his eyes out, to the point of almost hyperventilating and I could only feel bad for him.

What the hell happened?” Jeno asked Renjun in a soft tone of voice.

Renjun sniffled and took a shaky breath, before he began, “I-I don’t know, he said he was going to go home, and I started to follow him to make sure he's okay, but I saw someone run off with a knife in their hand and Taeyong was covered in blood.” Renjun explained.

Did he say who it was?” Yuta asked as he rubbing Renjun’s arm up and down.

Renjun shook his head ‘No’.

No. He didn’t even mention who stabbed him at all, he just told me that he loved me, and that I will be fine and . . . and . . . and that was it.” Renjun said as more tears started to roll down his face.

It must’ve been one of Johnny’s minions.” Mark said.

Right. Johnny got rid of the only person who could catch him, which was Doyoung. Now he got his minion to get rid of our best trained fighter. He’s obviously picking us out one by one.” Chenle agreed.

Jisung sighed and he then spoke up, “I have a feeling who might’ve done it.

We all turned to look at him with a shocked look.

Who?” Donghyuck asked.

Johnny’s minions are Shotaro and Sungchan.” Jisung said.

I widened my eyes when I heard the names of my friends come out of his mouth.

There is no way that Shotaro and Sungchan are a part of Johnny’s gang. There is just no way.

All of us were pretty shocked about this new information . . . everyone but Renjun.

Renjun was PISSED. Renjun stood up with this look of fury in his eyes.

You knew about this and you didn’t bother to tell us?” Renjun asked as he started to get more pissed off.

I couldn’t --” Jisung started.

Why?! Why couldn’t you?!” Renjun screamed.

Because he would’ve killed Chenle if I did!” Jisung exclaimed.

Oh your precious boyfriend who you’ve only been dating for ten months, boohoo. My fucking boyfriend of three years is fucking dead! And that’s because you kept this to your fucking self!” Renjun yelled as he pushed Jisung back into a wall.

Jisung is much taller and much more strong than Renjun, Jisung would have punched him in the face, but Jisung let Renjun just hit him, because Jisung is really defeated at the moment.

Alright, Renjun, that is enough!” Chenle yelled and pushed the smaller boy back from his boyfriend.

I was shocked at this. Chenle really has never raised his voice or shown violence towards anyone before. So for him to get pissed off at this just shocks me.

Your boyfriend just got my boyfriend killed!” Renjun yelled.

No he did not! He did it to protect us! Would you want me to die so Taeyong could live? Or what about Yuta? Mark? Donghyuck? Jeno? Jaemin? Would you have wanted them to die so that he could live?” Chenle asked him.

Renjun gave no answer.

Right. So don’t you fucking DARE blame him for this!” Chenle yelled.

I could tell this situation was gonna get ugly and Jeno knew it too.

Alright enough!” Jeno yelled making the two boys look over at him.

“I get it. We’ve been hit hard. But we still can’t get off task. We are now closer than we have EVER been, thanks to Jisung.” Jeno says and Yuta nodded agreeing with Jeno.

Right. We’re this close to catching this fucker, and ending it once and for all.

Alright. We’re gonna have to go to Doyoung’s apartment and get his computers, so we can find Shotaro and Sungchan, and make them tell us where Johnny is.” Donghyuck suggested.

Uh . . . did you forget that his apartment is closed off?” Renjun asked.

Jungwoo, has some of his computers.” Jeno says.

They agreed, and they were gonna get ready, as they finally had a plan to do this. Jeno walked over to me and put his arms around me.

I want you to go home.” Jeno says and I widened my eyes.

Are you serious? Shotaro and Sungchan know me. They’ve been in my house Jeno. I’m a target. A bigger target than I was before.” I rambled but Jeno shook his head.

No. You know how to protect yourself. Like you said, you’ll be fine.” Jeno told me and I sighed softly, as he pulled out a gun from his pocket, and I was just trembling as I took the gun from his hands.

Alright.” I say to him.

Text me every five minutes.” Jeno told me.

I nodded and he placed a long and loving kiss on my lips before we had gone our separate ways.

Why did that feel like a goodbye?

It’s been five minutes since I last saw Jeno, and I was going to text him, just as planned, but I heard footsteps behind me.

Shit! I thought to myself.

I started to walk a little bit faster, but the footsteps picked up as well.

In the corner of my eye, I saw that there was indeed someone following me.

I put my hand on the gun that was in my back pocket, until I felt something pressed to my temple.

Uh-uh, I wouldn’t really do that if I were you.” The voice said, and I could instantly tell who it was.

I turned my head to see Shotaro pointing a gun to my head.

You should’ve listened to me, Jaemin.” Shotaro said and he whacked me in the face with the gun, and that’s all I remembered before I blacked out.

Jeno's P.O.V

It’s been more than five minutes, and Jaemin hasn’t texted me, and I was getting really worried about him. I just kept looking at my phone screen waiting for a text notification from Jaemin.

But sadly I wasn’t getting one.

Has he not texted?” Mark asked and I shook my head.

No. This is what happened the last time.” I say and I then remembered the last time where he didn’t text me, Johnny found him.

I then widened my eyes as I figured out what had really happened.

No. No. No. N. NO! NO! NO!

Fuck!” I yelled.

What is it?” Yuta asked me.

My worst fear has finally come true.

Johnny has him.

This is my worst nightmare.

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