Chapter 4

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Jaemin's P.O.V


It’s been a week since Yangyang's death, and his funeral is today, and to be honest, I don’t even think I want to go. It’s not like I don’t want to go, because me and him left on bad terms, I don’t want to go, because I don’t want to relive the pain again. I just can’t stand to relive that excruciating pain. “Jaemin, I know this something you probably don’t want to hear, but I think you should go to the funeral.” Sungchan says, and I look at him.

Really?” I ask him and he nodded.

Yeah, he’s your best friend, so you have to attend, and plus you get to miss the math quiz we had today.” Shotaro says and I chuckled.

Yeah, alright. I just need to text Jeno to see if he’s going.” I say and Shotaro and Sungchan looked at me confused.

Why would Jeno go with you? He wasn’t really friends with Yangyang.” Sungchan says, and I furrowed my eyebrows -- how in the hell did he know that?

Yeah, but he’s the one who found Yangyang's body, and I really don’t want to go there by myself.” I tell him, and I grabbed my phone and I went over to Jeno's contact and I went to text him.

Minmin💞 : Hey, Jeno -- it’s Yangyang's funeral today, do you want to come with me?’

My love💌 : Yeah, of course. I’ll see you there

I smiled softly, and I turned my phone off, and I put it back into my pocket “Well, I’m gonna see you two later.” I tell them and they both nodded and I stood up, and I walked off from them.

Jeno's P.O.V

Did we have to come to this funeral?” Renjun asked as we were walking up to the cemetery, and I looked at him “I mean, we didn’t even know Yangyang.” He continued and I sighed.

Yeah, you guys do.” I say to him.

Jeno, you weren’t even friends with Yangyang.” Yuta commented.

I’m coming here for Jaemin.” I told him, and I saw Jaemin pacing a little bit, and I turned to my group “Alright, I’m gonna go be with Jaemin. Make sure you have your ear pieces in.” I said to them and they nodded, and I walked over to my boyfriend, who was pacing. “Jaemin.” I call and he turned around and his eyes brightened up, and he walked over to me, and he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back just as tight.

Thank you for coming -- you even brought your friends.” He says and I turn my head, to see the others walking up to the cemetery.

Yeah, they wanted to come and pay their respects.” I said.

Well tell them I said, thank you.” He said and I nodded, and we both pulled away, and he took a deep breath “Yangyang's parents are here.” Jaemin commented.

This must be hard for them.” I whisper.

Yeah, since Yangyang was their only kid.” Jaemin sighed and I sigh softly “C’mon, let’s go.” Jaemin murmured, and I nodded, and he took a hold of my hand and I intertwined our fingers together, and we began walking.

The pastor was reading the memorials that were written for Yangyang, and I look over to see Jaemin with tears falling down his face, and he kept wiping at his eyes, but it was no use, since the tears kept falling, and I wrapped my arms around him, and leaned into my chest, and I had one hand placed on the back of his head, and the other on his back. Jaemin, shouldn’t have to go through this. Hell, nobody should have to go through this. I saw Yangyang's mother, walking off from service, and I looked at my group and they looked pretty confused, but I shook my head -- she probably just needed space, I got it. I was in her situation. I get what she’s going through.

The service had ended, and Yangyang's casket was put down into the ground, and I had looked around to see if Yangyang's mother was back yet, since she had left in the middle of the service. I then heard a scream shoot off, and I looked over at my group, and I turned my head to not see Jaemin with me at all. “Shit.” I muttered and I ran to where the scream came from, and the group and the other people that came to the funeral followed me as well. I had seen Jaemin and I ran over to him, and I saw that he was standing in front of the body of Yangyang's mother. “Bunny?” I call and he looked over at me.

J-Jeno.” He cried, and I grabbed him and I pulled him into my arms, and he started sobbing.

Oh my god, Jieun!” I hear Yangyang's father cry out, and I look over at her body, and she was all beat up, gash on the head -- just like Yangyang, multiple stab wounds -- just like Yangyang. He was here! He was here, and we didn’t notice it!

How did this happen?” An officer that goes by the name of Kun asked, and I had my arms crossed over my chest . . . I don’t like cops. They make me nervous. I didn’t like them when I was younger, and I still don’t like them now. And I’m more nervous, because I’m in a gang.

I have no idea what happened. I saw her walk away from the service and she didn’t come back, and my boyfriend had found her body.” I tell him.

You saw her leave the service and you didn’t decide to check up on her?” He asked.

I didn’t know her that well, and she just needed space, I mean for christ sake, her son is dead and buried.” I snapped.

Don’t get smart with me boy. I just asked you a simple question.” He snapped back and I sighed.

Can I go and check up on my boyfriend?” I ask him.

You know, your boyfriend has seen two dead bodies, and they all seem to be when you’re around.” He says and I scoff.

Are you saying I have something to do with this?” I ask him and he shook his head.

No, but I’m just observing.” He told me and he walked off, and I rolled my eyes and I walked over to the officer who was talking with Jaemin, and when he saw me he ran over to me, and hugged me tightly, and he pressed a quick kiss to my cheek, and I held on to him tightly.

You guys should go home, we’ll bring you back in for questioning later.” The officer told us, and I nodded.

C’mon, bunny, let’s go home.” I whispered to Jaemin, and he nodded. I looked over to my group, and I gave them this look and they all nodded, and me and Jaemin started to walk away from the scene.

I walked inside Jaemin's empty house, and Jaemin had taken off his jacket and he threw it on to his couch. “You want anything to eat? I could order some --” but then my words got cut off.

Jeno, we need to talk.” Jaemin says, and I was confused and I started to grow a little panicky. Shit.

Talk about what?” I ask trying to keep my voice stable.

Jeno, you’re hiding some secrets from me.” He told me and I widened my eyes - fuck.

No, I’m not.” I say to him.

Bullshit.” Jaemin snapped “Jeno, you never talk about yourself, so I barely know anything about you other than your birthday, and your favorite food. You also won’t talk about your job, which brings so much suspicion. Last week, when we found Yangyang's body, you were near that warehouse, when you said you were going to your job. Then I saw you and your friends walking back up to the school, in the direction of where the warehouse is.” Jaemin states and I gulped.

I-I can explain --” I begin but he cut me off by shaking his head.

Jeno, last week, Shotaro asked me how I could trust you, when you keep all of these secrets from me. For this past week, I kept on thinking about what he said, and I think he’s right. How can I trust you?” He asked and I licked my lips and I sighed, and I really don’t know how to answer him, without telling him who I am and what I do. Jeno, I think we should break up. Jaemin says, and I widened my eyes -- what?

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