Chapter 18

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Jaemin's P.O.V


You know you two are honestly so disgustingly cute.” Yangyang told me as me and Jeno were just clinging on to each other.

Me and Jeno have been together for about ten months now, and it’s honestly been the best ten months of my life.

You know you’re just jealous.” I say as I had my face buried into Jeno's neck, and Yangyang just shook his head.

Alright. Whatever.” Yangyang said sarcastically.

I laughed at him, as he walked off from me and Jeno, leaving us alone.

Liu Yangyang, get your fat ass back here!” I yelled as I chased after him, and I jumped on his back, which caused him to stumble a little bit, and I held on to him tightly, so I wouldn’t fall.

Did you call me fat?” Yangyang asked me.

No. Just your ass.” I replied.

Okay, lovebirds, do you guys want to ride on some of the rides?” Jeno asked me and Yangyang.

We decided to go to the amusement park, because we were really bored and really had nothing better to do.

Yeah.” Me and Yangyang answered.

I slipped off Yangyang's back, and I walked back over to Jeno, and I jumped on his back, and he almost fell at that, which made me laugh at his misery.

I placed a kiss on Jeno's cheek, as he began walking down the concrete, that had a big massive crowd.

Yangyang, make sure you don’t get lost.” I told Yangyang, and he glared up at me.

You know I’ll kick out your boyfriend’s kneecaps since I can’t reach you.” Yangyang says.

What? Why me?” Jeno asked.

You do that, and I’ll kick your ass, and probably pop it too.” I fire back.

Yangyang raised his middle finger to me as a response.

Alright, calm down children.” Jeno says.

I just placed my chin on Jeno's shoulder in silence, as Jeno continued to walk.

Okay, Jaemin, can you get off my back now?” Jeno asked me, but I really did want to get off, he was pretty cuddly, and really warm.

I felt really safe.

He looks pretty comfortable.” Yangyang says and I nodded.

Well, my back is starting to get uncomfortable.” Jeno says.

I groaned, and I slipped off Jeno's back, so I was down on the ground, but the minute my feet planted on the ground, I grabbed Jeno's arm and I pulled it up, and I hugged him, so I was still holding on to him.

You’re a child, you know that?” Jeno asked me.

I looked up at him and I nodded and gave him this small and cute smile.

His only weakness.

Nana~~ You know I hate it when you give me that smile. You know it’s my weakness.” Jeno whined and I just laughed at his cuteness now.

I know that’s why I did it.” I say to him.

Ugh~ You two make me want to puke.” Yangyang said, basically ruining the moment.

I hate you.” I rebuttal.

Same here.” Yangyang replied and I rolled my eyes.

“I swear, you two are like children.” Jeno commented.

Well, we’ve been friends for like ever, so of course we’re gonna be like this.” I tell him.

Can we please just get walking because I’m starting to get tired.” Yangyang complained and I scoffed.

Alright, you old man, let’s go.” I snap.

Yangyang rolled his eyes again.

Me, Jeno, and Yangyang walked up to Yangyang's house, as we were dropping him off, as Jeno was gonna spend the night over at my house.

Did you two really have to drop me off at my house?” Yangyang asked me and Jeno.

Bitch, we literally live like a couple blocks down from each other, so we’re gonna have to drop you off anyway.” I argue and Yangyang just raises his hand to shut me up.

Yeah. Yeah. I get it.” Yangyang told me and I just rolled my eyes.

Alright, bye loser.” I say.

Bye, ugly.” Yangyang said back.

Me and Jeno started to walk back to my house, hand - in - hand.

Ugh~ I’m so tired.” I complained to Jeno.

We’re going to go to sleep alright?” Jeno told me and I nodded, but I felt myself beginning to drift off a little bit.

Jeno?” I call in a drowsy tone.

Yes, bunny?” Jeno asked me.

Can you carry me?” I ask.

Okay. Hop on.” Jeno said, and I then hopped on his back, as he began to give me a piggyback ride all the way back to my house.

As he was walking, I looked up to the stars, and they were shining so bright.

I smiled softly, as I leaned against Jeno's head, as I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly -- but not tight enough to the point where he couldn’t breathe.

What are you smiling about, bunny?” Jeno asked.

The stars. They’re so pretty. Don’t you think Jeno?” I ask him.

Jeno looked up to the stars and he smiled softly.

Yeah, they are. But not as pretty as you.” Jeno says and I felt myself get flustered, and I buried my face in his neck.

Stop~~ I’m embarrassed.” I whined and that made Jeno laugh.

What? I’m just stating facts.” Jeno says, as he finally stopped at my house.

I slipped off his back, and I stood in front of him.

Jeno looked at me in confusion as I wasn’t going inside my house.

What’s up?” Jeno asked me.

I just want to appreciate your beauty for a moment, is that not allowed?” I ask him.

Jeno rolled his eyes, and he pulled me into a hug, and I immediately felt that warmth, and that safe feeling wash over me like it always does, when he’s with me. And that’s when I realized I wanted to spend every last minute, and my everlasting breath with this man.

I want to be with Lee Jeno for the rest of my life, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

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