Chapter 7

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Jaemin's P.O.V

No gang meetings today, so what do you want to do?” Jeno asked me and I looked up from my homework, in a look of shock.

What does he mean no gang meetings today?

Why do you guys have no meetings today?” I ask Jeno and he sighed.

Well, I’m the captain of this gang, and I’m the one who usually calls the meetings, so I’ve decided there was going to be no meetings today.” Jeno told me and I smile.

I bet, Renjun, was so happy to hear that info.” I say sarcastically and Jeno chuckled.

Yeah, he wrote me a two paragraph text, about how he was pissed off that we’re not focusing on the task.” Jeno says and I sighed.

What happened with Renjun? I know his parents died, but what changed him?” I ask and Jeno sighed softly, and he sat next to me.

Well, Renjun was the sweetest kid, that’s for sure. He would always smile and draw little Moomin figures, but two months ago, he was going out with his parents, for a regular family outing, but that outing turned grim, as the guy we are looking for had taken them, and it was horrible. Renjun had to just watch his parents get tortured in front of him. Renjun was watching his parents slowly die for a few days and he was only left alive to have his parents dying in his head.” Jeno explained and I was just shocked.

Holy shit.” I muttered.

Renjun, may be an ass, but he had the most traumatic thing happen to him.” Jeno told me and I sighed softly.

What happened to you, Jeno?” I ask him and he was just shocked about the sudden question.

What?” He asked.

You guys all lost someone, by this same person. Who did you lose?” I asked him and I think I saw him tense up and he clenched his jaw -- oh god is he mad at me?

I don’t want to talk about it.” Jeno says and I was confused -- the others talked to me about it, so why won’t Jeno? Does he not trust me with this?

Jeno, do you not trust me?” I ask him softly and he looked at me with this look of shock.

What? Of course, I trust you.” Jeno says like I was crazy.

Then why can’t you tell me who you lost?” I ask him and he sighed and he put his hands over his face.

It’s not that simple, Jaemin.” Jeno told me, and I scoffed softly -- ever since Yangyang died, I can see right through him. I see how something tainted his precious soul. He’s still a lovable person, it’s just something bad happened.

Jaemin?” Jeno called and I looked up at him.

Hmm?” I hummed.

You do realize, that I can’t tell you this right?” Jeno asked and I sighed -- he’s right. When he told me this, he told me that he couldn’t tell me about what happened.

Of course.” I tell him and he smiled softly.

I’ll tell you soon, but I can’t right now.” Jeno told me and I nodded and I opened my arms, and he crawled into my arms, and I wrapped my arms around him.

You mean so much to me, you know?” I ask.

Of course I do.” Jeno replied.

So, for the love of god, don’t get yourself hurt.” I say and Jeno chuckled.

I’ll try not to.” Jeno says.

I see Renjun by his locker, pulling out books, and I sighed -- how am I going to do this? Renjun hates my guts, I really don’t know how I’m going to talk to him. Ugh, this is going to be the worst thing I’ve ever done.

I walked up to Renjun, and I cleared my throat, and he closed his locker and he looked over at me, and he had this confused look on his face.

Oh boy.

Can I help you, Jaemin?” Renjun asked.

Uh . . . no? Yes! Maybe?” I stammer and he rolled his eyes.

Jaemin, I don’t have all day here, just get on with it.” Renjun says, as he began to walk away, and I began to follow him.

Umm, well, I just wanted to say -- I get it.” I say and he was confused.

Get what?” Renjun asked me.

I get why you hate me, I get why you’re so mad at the world.” I say to him and he sighed.

Jeno told you?” Renjun asked and I nodded.

Yeah, he did.” I muttered and he sighed again.

Whatever, it’s not like it was going to go untold for much longer.” He told me and I looked down at the ground -- well this is awkward.

I don’t hate you.” Renjun suddenly said and I look at him.

Y-you don’t?” I ask in a stutter and he shook his head.

No. I don’t. It may seem like that, but I just really want to catch this asshole who killed my parents.” Renjun told me and I nodded.

Like I said, I get it.” I told him and he smiled softly, and that is the first time I have ever seen him smile, and I liked it. I like seeing people smile. It makes me smile.

Thanks.” Renjun thanks and I smiled.

No problem.” I say and I walked off from him.

I see you and Renjun fixed up those differences.” I hear Jeno's voice, and I jumped and I look over at him.

Can you not do that?” I ask him while holding my hand over my chest, as I was trying to bring my heartbeat back down to normal.

Jeno smiled and laughed, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Sorry, you big baby.” Jeno joked and I pouted.

Yeah, me and Renjun “fixed up our differences”. I really believe that we didn’t have any differences, because I totally get why Renjun was like that, and I didn’t really be mean to him.” I tell Jeno and he nodded.

Yeah, that’s true.” He told me and I smiled, and I sighed.

I gotta get to first period.” I tell Jeno and he nodded.

Okay, I’ll see you in English?” Jeno asked and I chuckled.

Where else will I be?” I ask him sarcastically and Jeno rolled his eyes.

Alright.” Jeno says and I place a kiss on Jeno's lips and it lasts a couple of seconds, and then all of a sudden Jeno just hugged me tightly -- okay, what’s with him?

Jeno, I need to go to class.” I say to him and he sighed, and he placed one last kiss to my temple, and pulled away from the hug.

Sorry.” Jeno apologized and I shook my head.

It’s fine.” I say and we say goodbye to each other, and we both go our separate ways to our classes.

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