Chapter 13

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Jaemin's P.O.V


I haven’t seen Sungchan or Shotaro in like two weeks, and I’m really worried about them. I hope nothing bad happened to them. I hope they didn’t get caught by Johnny’s group. I don’t want to lose anymore friends. I’ve lost enough people. I don’t want to lose two more.

I was basically working on some homework and while I was writing down the answer to the Math question, I feel arms wrap around my neck, and kisses being pressed to my cheek, and I smiled, at the actions Jeno was doing.

Can I help you?” I ask him as I looked at him.

I want to drag you away from this miserable work.” Jeno says, pulling my rolling chair back from my desk, dragging me away from my work. I laughed at him trying so desperately to get me away from my work.

Didn’t you tell me like two weeks ago, that my work was important?” I ask him and he shrugged.

Maybe. But who cares?” Jeno told me and he pulled me out of my chair, and I was just chuckling at him. He was so hyper.

How much coffee did you have?” I ask him.

I don’t know, ask Donghyuck.” Jeno told me and I chuckled “Come on, I wanna take you somewhere.” Jeno told me and I smile.

Jeno, I got a lot of homework, that’s due tomorrow.” I tell him and he pouted.

Please~~ Just for a couple of hours.” Jeno begged and I smiled, he’s the captain of a gang? Yeah I don’t believe that for a second.

Okay.” I say and he smiled, and he grabbed my hand, and we started to walk out of my house.

The amusement park?” I asked Jeno and he smiled and nodded, the amusement park was the last place me and Yangyang went to before he disappeared -- and basically died.

Yeah. I thought it would be good to go.” Jeno told me and I smiled.

The amusement park was the last place me and Yangyang went together, before he disappeared.” I tell Jeno and he widened his eyes.

Shit, really? Okay, we’ll just go somewhere else --” Jeno says but I shook my head.

No. It’s fine. I’m here with you. Wherever we go, I’m happy.” I tell him and he smiled.

Alright, let’s go have fun, for once.” Jeno says and I laughed, it was the truth. We’ve only had fun once, since I found out that Jeno is a gang member. And that was a couple of months ago. I have been so busy with school work, while Jeno has been so busy with gang business, that we haven’t a chance to be alone together.

This is like once in a lifetime chance, to be alone with him.


I was getting pretty hungry, as me and Jeno had left the amusement park, after riding a few rides, that Jeno was not happy with, since he’s not a fan of rollercoasters. I saw him literally hiding his face while the ride was going on, and I just found it adorable.

I’m getting hungry.” I tell Jeno and he nodded.

Yeah, same. Let’s go to the coffee shop that’s close around here.” He says and I nodded, and we began to make our way to the coffee shop.

I actually hope this coffee shop is close because my feet are starting to hurt as well.

I like how Jeno said that we would go out for maybe two hours, but we’ve been out for like four hours! The sun was basically going down at this point. But I didn’t mind it. I always want to be alone with Jeno as much as I can, until he gets called up for gang business.

Hey, you remember the first time we kissed?” Jeno asked me and I looked over at him and I smiled.

Yeah, how could I forget it?” I ask him.

I don’t know, I’ve been thinking about it a lot today.” Jeno says to me and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Why?” I ask and he smiled.

I guess that’s when I realized.” Jeno says and I still wasn’t following on what he was saying.

I’m not following.” I say and Jeno rolled his eyes at me.

That’s when I realized I wanted to be with you. From the first moment I kissed you.” He says and I felt my face get flushed and I smiled.

Well aren’t you a sap.” I say and he chuckled and he wrapped his arms around me and sighed in content.

I just want this moment to be forever. I never want to let you go. I just want to hold you in my arms forever.” Jeno says softly, as we were basically looking at the view at the pretty city lights that were shining.

I never want this to end either.” I say to him.

When this is over, I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” Jeno says and I froze and I looked up at him.

What are you saying?” I ask him.

I want to marry you. I realize you are the only person I will ever love. I couldn’t imagine myself ever loving anyone else. You’re the only person I want to be with.” Jeno told me and I smiled widely, and I hugged him tightly.

Glad we feel the same way.” I say and he tightened the hug he had on me and I just felt happy -- so happy.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy in my whole life.

Jeno is the only person to make me feel like I’m on cloud 9. He’s the only one to make me this happy.

I’m so lucky to have him.

I love him.

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