hidden in the shadows

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A/N so I've decided to go on the path of where wolfblood season 3 sorta left off. Maddy knows about Cerberus and everything that happened, but with a twist. But character relationships and everything will be the same and not as the tv show, confusing I know and sorry but I hope you like this chapter it will be the last in this book, I might do a sequel I'm not sure if I get enough comments about it I will. Hope you enjoy. -W

Maddy's P.O.V
I woke up and looked at the time it was 8:30 a.m, I got up and decided to take a shower when I was done I hopped out and got dressed and walked downstairs looking for everyone Rhydian was asleep on the couch with Alexis and Sam asleep with him I figured Jana Tom Shan and Henry were asleep in there rooms I decided to coo breakfast and pulled out bacon eggs pancakes sausage and began cooking everything by time I was done everyone was at the table waiting I smiled and put all the food on the table and we began to eat.

"Mommy are you feeling better?" I look up to see Alexis and Sam looking at me "yeah I was just really tired baby" I said talking to them both they nod I heard a knock on the door and got up to answer it there was a lady holding white roses "Maddy Morris?" "Yes?" I answer confused "these are for you" she says smiling handing them to me I take them "thanks" "welcome" she says and walks away I close the door ad turn around and see the others looking at me I walk over to the counter and sit them down since they were already in a case I see a card and take it and open it "Finally I've found you" I look at the others "who's it from?" Shan asks "I don't know all the card says is 'finally I have found you' so I have no idea" I look at Rhydian he looks confused but hides it I sit back down and finish eating, once I'm done I get up to put my plate in the sink I look back at Rhydian and walk over to him.

I lean down and kiss his soft lips I grab his hand and pull away and he stands up I walk toward the door and he stops "where are you going?" I smile "up to the moores" he nods and we continue walking he let's go of my hand I look up at him "lets run" I smirk and push his chest "race ya" I say and take off running I look back and I see him following me I turn back and continue running. After running for about 40 minutes I stop and turn to look at Rhydian but he's not there "Rhydian?" Nothing I look around my to see if he's trying to scare me "Rhydian?!" I hear a branch snap I turn my head to see who it was "Alex?" They look up at me and smirks "hello maddy" he chuckles and looks at someone suddenly everything goes black

Rhydian's P.O.V
I feel wet and cold I open my eyes and see I'm in a stream I remember running with maddy and I jump up looking around for her "MADS?" Nothing I sniff in trying to get her scent but all I smell is the woods "MADDY?!" I hear chuckling I turn to look who it is but all I see is a dark figure "maddy?" I ask confused "no but she's fine" another voice says "for now" "where is she?!" "I said she's fine for now!" Someone yelled "now you will go back home and tell your friends that maddy is gone but you guys will never find her, I can promise you that, am I clear?" I nod suddenly everything went black I woke up again the sun was starting to rise I remember everything and quickly got up and ran back to the house I run through the door and see Mr and Mrs smith.

Along with everyone else they look at me and hugged me I quickly pushed them off and they looked at me "where's maddy?" I could feel my heart breaking I couldn't say anything a tear ran down my eyes "Rhydian where's our daughter?" I leaned against the wall "she's gone" "what?! What do you mean she's gone?!" "I MEAN SHE'S GONE!!" Everyone looks at me with fear in there eyes "she was taken" "what happen?" I sigh and slide down the wall "we were running to the moores I decided to take a shortcut and I did as I was running something hit my head and I blacked out when I woke up I was in a ditch cold and wet a figure came out and told me she was fine for now, they told me to come tell you guys and that we would never find her and they could promise that" by time I finished I had tears running down my face I looked up at everyone "who?" "I don't know it was a black figure then 5"

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