Torn apart

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Maddy's P.O.V

We finally got to the wild pack after an hour of running. All the sudden my chest felt like it was on fire the pain caused me to curl up in a ball on the ground. My parents run to me and help me back up, mum had her arms out and hugged me I hugged back "I miss him" I say as I start to cay "I miss them all" "I know pet, we will go back as soon as it's safe again" she said. Mum wiped away me tears before anyone noticed we were there. We started walking to greet everyone but we weren't quite out the woods yet, we saw Yana talking to everyone. I moved my hair behind my ear and used my hearing to hear what she was saying she said "The smiths should be here soon make sure there is a place for everyone to sleep" she said also mentioning what happen back in stonybridge.Bryn was the first to smell us, as we got out the woods and into the clearing Bryn turned and ran as fast as he could to us and the rest of the pack followed him and he ran right into me hugging me but caused us to fall from the impact he said "sorry I just really missed you" "I really missed you to" and helped me up and we continued to hug as everyone else greeted mum and dad.I saw Ceri look out her hut and towards us and she smiled and ran to us and hugged me and said "how are you?" "I'm good" I said giving her a fake smile "no your not I can feel your pain as well as Rhydian's pain".

Bryn's P.O.V

Yana was telling us what happen to Maddy and her parents and told us to make sure they all had somewhere to sleep. then I could smell....Wolfblood, I automatically knew it was Maddy I knew her scent. I ran towards her as fast as I could and I hugged her causing use to fall onto the grounds I got up and helped her up and hugged her and said "sorry I just really missed you" "I really missed you to" she said

Rhydian's P.O.V

It's already been and hour since she left and I missed her so much I couldn't get the kiss out of my mind her soft gentle lips against mine they fit perfectly. As I lay in bed staring at the ceiling I remember that mum told me about this thing wolfbloods can do to communicate upswing there minds but it only worked if they were soul mates. so I look at the time and it's already 9.

So I concentrate on Maddy and think "Mads can you hear me" "Rhyd is that you?!" She replied "Yes mum told me about this thing wolfbloods can do to communicate threw their minds but it only works if there soul mates" "that's amazing! I love you rhydian!" "I love you too mads!" "how about you meet me in the woods halfway tomorrow night since it'll be Friday and there's no school?" "Yes! what time?" "Well it's up to you" "Ok then how about 6am?" "Sounds good I love you mads I'm going to bed now I need to wake up early" "Ok goodnight I love you to Rhyd" "night"

Maddy's P.O.V

As Yana told everyone where they were sleeping for the night I was sleeping in Ceri and Bryn's hut. Ceri sleeps on the couch every night and Bryn dragged me by my arm to the room and it had too beds "you can sleep in Rhydians bed. I'll let you get dressed and I'll be back later on" "Ok thanks Bryn" he walked out and I locked the door behind him and got into pajamas and unlocked the door and layed in bed. then I heard Rhydian say "mads can you hear me" and we talked and got plans to meet halfway in the woods tomorrow at 6 since there's no school and after we talked he went to sleep and I did to.

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