Letting the wild in

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Rhydian's P.O.V

Now that Jana and tom are dating we can all go out on dates together "so you guys I was wondering if you guys would like to come to the moores with me and Maddy and don't worry we will run human speed" "sure that would be great and thanks for going to run human speed" "no problem mate" we left the house and began to run to the moores that's when I smelt it Ceri and Bryn i stopped and everyone else stopped I looked around smelling the air "mom!" I ran to her and hugged her "bryn!" I hugged him too "what are you doing here I thought you were running the wild pack till Jana gets back" Everyone came over "Ceri what's wrong wheres my pack" Jana said "there's been a forest fire we have no where to go the rest of the pack at outside Maddys territory" she looked at Maddy "I knew not to bring them in it's only safe for us too" "thanks well let's go get everyone oh ant this is Harry you already know Shan and tom Harry is dating shan" I say she nods her head and we run human speed back to the end of the territory "where you guys gonna go?" I asked Jana "I don't know yet hey Maddy do you think they can stay here until the forest starts to grow back or until we find somewhere else to live?" "umm I'll talk to mam and dad about it but it's ok with me"

Ceri's PO.V

I didn't know where else to go I had to take everyone somewhere so I took the to Maddy. We finally get back to the wild pack when Maddys phone ring she answered it and asked her parents she looked at me and nodded her head "well is everyone ready to become tame?" I say smiling at everyone "yea I think we are" Bryn said

Maddy's P.O.V

After everyone agreed to come and be tame mam and dad talked to higher wolfblood authorities and got everyone a house to stay in since Bryn was the only one old enough to be in school with us mam and dad got him papers and he gets to start next week when we go back "hey Bryn mam said you can start coming to school with me and Rhydian and Jana next week when we come back to school from spring break" "great I can't wait" he said hugging me he let's go "thanks mads" "welcome Bryn" "hey Harry this is my brother Bryn and my mom real mom Ceri" Rhydian said "hi it's good to meet you guys" he said and they smiled I pushed Rhydians chest "race ya" and ran Rhydian chasing and everyone else running with us even Shan tom and Harry could keep up we got to my yard and still ran and Rhydian put his arm out in front of me and spun my I squealed and mam and dad came out and laughed and Rhydian put me down "everyone ready to have showers and flushing toilets" Jana said and everyone smiled "come on let's get everyone something to eat" mam said and everyone walked inside mam fixed food while dad talked to everyone me and Rhydian walked into the living room and sat on his lap and jana and tom were together and Harry and Shan were together Rhydian put his arms around me and I turned to face him and pressed our lips together and he kissed back he put his hands on my waist and pulled me close deepening the kiss and picked me up and Ceri and Bryn came in and saw us and he slammed me into the wall and they looked shocked and he put his tongue on my bottom lip begging for entrance and I let him in then he pulled away both of us out of breath and Ceri and Bryn sat down "don't slam her to hard you'll put holes in the walls" "they already broke with my bedroom door at my house" Shan said looking at us smiling "correction before you break other stuff" she said smiling.

Jana's P.O.V

The pack has been looking at me and tom weird but they accepted it tom had his arms over my shoulders I look at him and he kisses me I kiss back but it wasn't a long kiss it was our first Shan and Harry smiled and we pulled away and blushed and I whisper in his ear so no one can her "I love you tom" he whispers quiet to "I love you too jana"

Rhydian's P.O.V

"Sorry about that Shan" "it's ok, hey Daniel can u make me a new door for my bedroom please?" "sure thing why don't we go over there and take a look at it" we all head over to Shans so the rest of the pack will know where it is "ok no problem this will be an easy make" "thank you" i sit on the couch and Maddy sits on my lap and Shan sits on Harry's lap and Jana sits on toms lap I kiss maddy gently she kissed me back and put my hands around her waist and pull her in tight deepening the kiss and she puts her hands on the back of my neck and I pull away and Ceri comes in "Rhydian can you come her for a moment" I rolled my eyes and Maddy got up and I walked over to Ceri "yea?" "When are you too gonna get married?" "were only 17" "almost 18" "yeah but still I don't know when but when it happens I'll tell you" "ok you can go back to your mate" I walked back to Maddy and sat down and she sat back down on my lap "what was that about?" "I'll tell you later"

Daniel's P.O.V

I finished Shannon's door and put it on and came back to the house "everyone ready to come to there new homes?" I ask the wild pack "Maddy Rhydian Shannon Harry Tom Jana come on you guys need to know where they live" and we walked and showed everyone there house and after everyone got settled in Emma and Rhydian Maddy Shannon Harry tom and Jana came back to the house with us.

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