He's back

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Maddy's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of bacon and I ran downstairs in my pajamas I got to the kitchen and saw Rhydian cooking I walked behind him smiling and wrapped my arms around his waist then heard everyone else run down in pajamas "I did the same thing a few seconds ago" and we all laughed I took my arms off Rhydian and ran upstairs and got Sam and Alexis and brought them down and sat them in there high chairs and Jana and Shan ran up and came back with Devin and Emily and put them in there high chairs and I was already feeding Sam and Alexis some bacon and milk and Jana and Shan began to feed Devin and Emily bacon and milk as well Rhydian put the whole plate of bacon plate of Bacon on the table and eggs and pancakes and everyone waited till Sam Alexis Devin and Emily were down eating until they got good and ate I smelled someone familiar and ran out the house leaving everyone to look confused and ran after me I kept running I was faster than them and I kept going until I saw max and I ran to him and hugged him and he hugged me "what are you doing here it thought you moved" "I did there was a fire and everyone died I'm the only survivor I didn't know where else to go so I came here" he hugged me tighter " I missed you mads" "I missed you to max" "who's that mads?" Rhydian asked "max" everyone caught up to him and Shan and tom ran over "MAX!" the hugged him "hey Shan and Tom" "what are you doing here?" Shan asked "I'll explain later" I let go and so did they "where you gonna stay?" "well I was hoping I could stay with you" "yea that's fine you can stay in the guest room an- Rhydian who's watching the kids" "we should probably get back we all ran after you" "ok let's go" I got on Rhydians back Shan got in Harry's and Jana got in Toms and we walked back to the house when we got there I got off Rhydians back and walked inside I looked back at max "you coming?" "This is your house?" "yea" "who lived here?" "just us" he walked in "I'll show you your room" we walked to the guest room "how long will you staying?" "I was hoping I could live here" "that's fine" "you have clothes?" "no I didn't get to get anything" "I can take you to get clothes in and hour" Rhydian said "ok thanks" he left "can I take a shower?" "yea every bedroom had there own bathroom" "ok" "I'll find you some clothes to wear" "ok thanks" I walked out and talked to Rhydian threw his mind "can I get a pair of your clothes for max to wear?" "yeah get him the black shirt and jeans" "ok" I walked in the room and got clothes and walked back in the room and put them in his bed

Max's P.O.V

Maddy is so beautiful i never told her but I had a crush on her when we were younger but she's married now so I'm not gonna try to take her as long as she's happy I'm happy I heard her come in so I'm guessing she got me clothes I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out and got dressed and walked downstairs and put my shoes on and walked into the living room and tom Harry and Rhydian were ready "who's car are we taking?" "mine" we walked into the garage and it here were 2 camaros one black with blue stripes and the other black with white stripes we get into the black one with white stripes "is that one yours to?" "no that's Maddys I got it for her yesterday" "wow" we drove to town "looks the way I remember" yes it doesn't change" we walked into the store and I grabbed a few black shirts and black shorts and red shirts and blue shirts and white shirts and grey shirts and black grey and white tank tops boxers and socks and 2 pairs of shoes a few SnapBacks to match my clothes a black jacket a black watch and cologne deodorant body wash toothpaste and a toothbrush and an belt and hairbrush and put it on the counter and Rhydian paid "you think we can take me to get a haircut?" "Yeah" we got to the barber shop and I got my haircut like Rhydians and we got to the car and "Maddy showed me the drawing you drew there good" "thanks" "can you draw me some?" "sure how many?" "4" "ok I'll have them in your room by tonight" and went to a workout store "we need to get a bench press pull up bars and work out equipment" we walked in and got 2 bench press's 5 pull up bars and other equipment and paid and had someone follow us with it we got in the car and they followed us to the house when we got there I got my bags and went inside while tom Harry and Rhydian went to help set everything up I got to my room and put my clothes in my dresser and put my hats on top the dresser and watch on top and put my toothpaste body wash toothbrush deodorant hairbrush in the bathroom and put my belt on my dresser and cologne and turned around and saw Maddy and she hugged me "I still can't believe your back" "I missed you mads" "I missed you to" I kissed her forehead she smiled "I like your haircut" "thanks" she let go "I'll be back" she ran out and came back with a wallet "there's $1,000 in their don't spend it all" "oh mads you do-" "yes I do you have no money and it's the least I could do" I took a picture of me and Maddy kissing and tom and Shan kissing from when we were younger out my pocket and put it in the wallet where the ID goes "what's that" I showed her "you kept it?" "yes when I moved I never stopped thinking about you I remember when that pic was taken on the lunar eclipse and later that day you me and our parents were running around during the eclipse when the wolf becomes human" "you remember?" "yea I remember everything like the day I left how sad we were" I hugged her tight and she hugged back "we were so sad that day" yea I closed the wallet and put it in my pocket "you kept the picture why?" "because I never told you this but I had a huge crush on you" "I had a huge crush on you too" I hugged her tighter "I'll always be here for you mads" I kissed her forehead again "I know" I picked her up bridle style and walked to the stairs "hang on" she hung on tighter and I jumped down the stairs and landed standing straight up "what was that?" Shan said walking over "I jumped down the stairs from the top holding Maddy" "oh ok" she walked away and I carried Maddy to the workout room to show her "where w going?" "to show you something" we got to the work out room "the boys work out room just in case you guys can't find us we will be in here" "cool" "also the bedrooms are gonna have a pull-up bar in the bathroom doorways" "ok cool" I put Maddy down as Rhydian came over I walked in the work out room and grabbed a pull-up bar to put in my room I walked back up and put it in the bathroom doorway ant tightened it and walked downstairs and the helpers left and the workout equipment was done "who want to go for a run?" I yelled everyone came over "let's go follow me" we ran out the house and to the moores and ran until we got to the cave "what is this place?" Jana asked "it's where me max tom and Maddy would come when we were little" Shan said "how come I've never seen it before?" Rhydian asked "that's because it's well hidden" we walk in and I hit the light switch and the lights came on "wow they still work" Maddys said "how is there electric down in a cave?" Rhydian asked "me Max Shan and tom hooked it up" Maddy said "come on" we walked until we got to the waterfall and a huge hole above the area and trees were growing and the sunlight shinning threw "who wants to swim?" Maddy came up and grabbed my hand and pulled me off with her we got into the water and came up "well are you guys coming?" they all jumped down and we swam for hours when we were finally done we ran back to the house and by time we got there our clothes were dry and we walked inside and went to bed when I got in my room I saw the drawings Rhydian drew for me one of me and Maddy as humans one of me and Maddy as wolves one of me Maddy Shan and tom and one of all of us as a pack I changed into my pajama pants and went to bed

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