Full moon

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Maddy's P.O.V

I woke up in a cold sweat and breathing heavy I got out bed and went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face what kind of dream was that?! like the future? God I hope not I walked back out the bathroom and saw Rhydian was still asleep I looked at the time 2:00 am I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen getting a drink I heard someone coming downstairs and waited for them to get to me it was Sam he walked up to me and I picked him up "can't sleep?" He nods yawning and rubbing his eye "how about I lay in bed with you so you can sleep?" He nodded good thing we got queen size bed for the kids I put my empty glass in the sink and carried him upstairs to his room and layed down with him and had my arms around him as I listened to his heartbeat as he slept I picked up on a scent and I didn't recognize it so I carefully got up and walked into my room and woke Rhydian up "someone's here and I don't recognize the scent" "ok let's get the others" I nodded and looked at the clock it's only 2:30 'was I really only laying down with Sam for about half an hour?' And I walked into Shans room and woke her and harry up "mads what are you waking us up?" "Someone's here" "who?" "I don't know but I can smell them" she nodded and they got up and I walked out and saw Tom and jana already up max walks out "I'll watch the kids" I nod "lets go" we run outside and run to were the smell is we end up at my parents we walk inside and I smell someone I don't recognize "I smell them but I can't recognize the scent there in the den" we walk down there and I see my mom and dad talking to a little girl I clear my throat they turn and see me "oh hey mads what are you doing here?" "I smelled her" "but how?" I turned my eyes they were black "oh yeah" I changed them back to normal and looked at her and back to my parents "why is she here?" "I don't know that's what we're trying to figure out she just showed up" I looked at her "what's your name?" "Erica" "why are you here?" "I'm from the pack that attacked hers" she said pointing to jana "and I just want to say none of us wanted to do that our alpha is mean and abuses us" "how did you get away? How'd you get here? And how'd you find us?" "My mom snuck me to her pack" she said pointing at Jana "and they helped me to the boarder while my mom went back to the pack and I followed your scent here but they found me first" I nod "our pack wants a new leader.... And they want you to be our leader" "Me? Why?" "It's obvious, your the leader of all wolfbloods" "how'd you know?" "We could feel your power everyone can" I nod "you might as well stay here full moons tonight" "ok thank you" I nod and look at Rhydian "what time is it?" "it is" he looks at his watch "3:00 am" I nod "ok well let's get back to the house" I hugged my parents and we walked upstairs and outside we ran we got back to the house and inside and saw Max with Sam Alexis Devin and Emily on the couch asleep I smiled and took a picture and sent it to his phone I grabbed a blanket and covered them up and walked into the kitchen then a thought popped into my head i turned around and looked at Rhydian "I just got an idea" "what is it?" "I want to get a pool in the back yard" he smiled I love the idea" "yeah we do too" Tom said I looked around rhydian and saw them all smiling rhydian grabbed his keys and looked at Tom and Harry "coming?" They nodded and went out to his car "anyone hungry?" I say turning to Shan and Jana they nodded I grabbed eggs bacon sausage green peppers potatoes and butter and put everything on the table I felt little arms wrap around my legs and smiled and looked down and picked up Sam and Alexis one in each hand and kissed there cheeks "you guys hungry?" They nodded and smiled "go wake up uncle Max and you clean up your mess if you make one" they smile and I put them down and run into the living room "where did uncle Max come from?" "I don't know it just happened" they nod and I begin cooking everything and cut up the potatoes and cook them and by time I'm down there's omelets, bacon, sausage, and potatoes I put everything in plates and put them where they go on the table and I pull out a pitcher of orange juice and a pitcher of water and put them on the table "foods done" I hear 4 sets of little feet running and then I see Sam, Devin, Alexis, and Emily followed by Max Shan and jana "so uncle Max?" I looked at Max "yeah not sure where it came from but it works" he smiled and we all ate

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