No moon day

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Maddy's P.O.V

I woke up feeling horrible I toss and turn trying to get comfy and can't so i cuddle back into Rhydian and he kisses my head "thanks for last night" "welcome mads I wonder how Harry Shan and tom are doing it's there first no moon day" "I don't know let's check on them" we get up and I walk into Harry and Shans tom and sit on there bed and Rhydian goes into tom and Jana's room "hey guys" "hey mads" they say "how you feel" "horrible now I see why you Rhydian and Jana looked horrible at school on the no moon day at the k's dance" "yea the later in the day it gets worse" they groan "this is awful but it's worth it to be a wolfblood" Shan sits up and hugs me and I lay in bed with her still hugging her "I love you Shan I still can't be leave you are a wolfblood" "hey what about me?!" "you to Harry and you too tom" "thanks mads" tom says and "yea thanks mads" "yup Im happy were a full wolfblood pack now and mam and dad gave us half there territory" "yea that was great and all the wilds left to find there own territory in a town so there still tame" "yea it's great" "and now this half is yours mine Jana tom Shan Harry's Alexis's and that's alot" "yea it is a lot but we have a lot of territory and we can always expand so it's bigger" "yea we could I did think about that" "ok well were gonna go back to bed see you guys later or tomorrow" "ok" they lay back down and me and Rhydian walk out and go back to out room and pass out in bed.

Shannon's P.O.V

I can see why every no moon day Jana Rhydian and Maddy looked like death "I feel like death" "yea but oh well were finally wolfbloods" "yea" me and Harry go back to sleep and I start to have a dream me and Maddy were trapped by Kyle "by time morning I can see who you guys/girls are" he had an evil smile and walked away "Maddy we need to escape" I told Maddy through our minds "I know but how everyone else is dead including Alexis and Sam what will we do once we get out?" "I don't know but we can't risk the secret getting out" Kyle came back and hit Maddy in the head with the gun and she fell he came towards me and hit me with it and everything went black I woke up sweating Maddy groaned as she came to check up on me and hugged me "you alright Shan?" "yeah just a nightmare" "you want to talk about it?" "no I'm fine" "ok well I'm a go now" "ok bye" she walked out and I layed back down and fell asleep

Rhydians P.O.V

Maddy came back in "you feed Sam and Alexis?" "yeah I'm so tired and I feel like death" "yea me too" "you want to go run?" "Yea but just us" "ok" we got up and got dressed and put our shoes on and walked outside and we began to run side by side until we got to the river and smelled a human but we ignored it and began to walk the I heard someone call my name we stopped and looked around "Rhydian!" then someone jumped on me and started to kiss me I pushed her off to see who it was it was Jennifer "...Jennifer?" I got up and looked at Maddy "yeah it's me Rhydian" she tried to kiss me again and I pushed her off "no Jennifer I'm married" I grabbed Maddys hand and kissed her forehead and I heard Maddy talk using our minds "who's Jennifer?" "a girl from my old school who had a huge crush on me" "what is she doing here" "I have no idea" "tell her to leave I want her out my territory and I don't want to see her again" "ok" "Jennifer you have to leave and don't come back" she started to cry "you said you loved me" "no I didn't I said you were annoying so stop making stuff up and leave you had a crush on me and I didn't like you I just felt sorry for you cause you had no friends but I wasn't your friend" "fine I'll leave your life forever and I'm moving to America!" she stormed off I leaned down and kissed Maddy passionately "we have to go" she whispered "why" "Shan and Jana" "what about them" "it's time" "how you know" "I sense it" I was shocked and we ran to the house and Maddy passed out then everything went black

Tom's P.O.V

I carried Jana behind Harry carrying Shan and her stopped and I got beside him and saw Maddy and Rhydian passed out we hurried up and took Shan and Jana to Rhydians car since it was faster then mine and Harry's and put the girls in the back seat and ran inside and picked up Maddy and Harry picked up Rhydian I put Maddy in the back and Rhydian in the front and ran to my car and got in and followed Harry as we sped to the hospital my mom knows I'm a wolfblood like the others so she could take Maddy and Rhydian into a separate room so the could rest until the woke up I called my mom "mom hurry Jana and Shan went into labor and Maddy and Rhydian are passed out like when they passed out before were almost there they just need rest until they wake up" "ok tom I have everything ready for when you get here" I hung up and called Harry "my mom has everything ready at the hospital for us" "ok" I hung up as we arrived at the hospital I helped carry Rhydian out and inside then went back for Maddy and then went back for Jana and Harry parked the cars and then carried Shan into the hospital then me and Harry passed out

Shannon's P.O.V

Tom Harry Maddy and Rhydian are passed out and me and Jana just had out baby's mines a boy and Jana's is a girl "what do you want to call him Shan?" toms mom asked "Devin" "Jana what would you like to name her?" "Emily" "ok you too were gonna take them back to the nursery why don't you too go in the room with Maddy and everyone else and get some sleep you guys look like death like they do" "ok" we walked into the room and got in our beds and fell asleep.

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