I do

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Rhydian's P.O.V

I woke up and I had a dream me Maddy and our cubs were together and happy and were with Jana tom Harry and Shan having fun being together. I think maddy will be a wonderful mother I can't wait for our cub or cubs to come I'm so happy I'm gonna be a father I'm thinking about going and getting Maddy a ring so I can purpose to her next week I love her so much and I can't wait I get up and go to the bathroom and come out and Maddy has just woke up "morning beautiful" we smile " morning Rhydian. I'm starting to show" "let me see" she shows me her belly starting to poke out "you still look beautiful" she smiles again "your my beautiful alpha and always will be my alpha" she smiles again and I lean over her and kiss her forehead and she leans up and kisses me and I kiss back and pull away "why'd you stop?" "I have a few things to do today" "ok when will you be back 30 minuets" "ok I love you" "i love you to" I leave and run to Emma and dans house "hey Daniel can I ask you something" "sure Rhydian what is it" "I want to ask Maddy to marry me but I don't have a ring what do I do" he get up and get a ring from his dresser and hands it to me "it was her grandmothers" "thanks Daniel" "no problem Rhydian" "I got to go" "ok bye" "bye" I ran out the house and to the store to get a ring holder and put the ring in it and ran to the house and claimed into the window and hid it in my dresser and went back threw the window and came in threw the door "I'm back" I said to Maddy who was laying on the couch "what did you do?" "had to talk to your dad about some stuff" "oh ok" I sat next to her and she wrapped her arms around my arm and and has her head on my shoulder "I love you mads" "I love you to Rhydian" "anyone see your belly yet?" "no nobody is awake yet it's only 630" "you nervous about what they'll say?" "kinda" "why" "don't know just am" "there's nothing to be nervous about" "I know"

Maddy's P.O.V

It's kinda weird and funny that when I came back from the wild I was only back for 2 days then I became pregnant and I'm nervous about when the baby will come and I know Rhydian will be a great father I just hope I'll be a great mother like Rhydian says tom told me he's going to purpose to Jana and Harry told me he is going to purpose to Shan on the same day and together and I don't know if Rhydian is going to purpose to me or not I want to be a great mam I have to go and get things for the baby but dad wants to make dj the crib so I said he could so he's been working on that for a few days I walk into the kitchen and sit on the couch and someone knocks on the door I smell Ceri "come in Ceri" she comes in "hey how are you" "good I heard the news and I'm happy for you to and I see your already showing" i blush "yea already so how is the rest of the pack doing being in the human world?" "great they love it they were nervous at first but that's expected" "yeah how's Bryn?" "great he can't wait to have a niece" "I bet" "you'll be a great mother and Rhydian will be a great father" "thanks so much" "welcome you'll be better than me" "you did a great job with Bryn" "yea but not rhydian" "well they took him" "but I should have put him somewhere safer" Rhydian came in "hey mam" "hi my beautiful boy how are you" "great so you heard the news" "yeah Bryn can't wait and neither can we" "me neither" "well I got to go now bye have a great day" "bye you to" I close the door and Rhydian comes behind me and puts his arms around my stomach and whispered in my ear "my alpha" I smile "I love you Rhydian" "I love you to mads" he let go of me and I turned around to face him and kiss him and he kisses back and we pull away

Jana's P.O.V

I woke up and smelt Ceri but didn't want to come talk to her I just wanted to lay with tom me Maddy Rhydian tom Shan and Harry are gonna go to the moores later the boys want to surprise us with something I can't wait to see what it will be tom still had his arms wrapped around me I felt so protected with him I went back to sleep

Harry's P.O.V

Me tom and Rhydian are gonna purpose to the girls today Maddy and Rhydians kid will come next week and we can't wait we already have the baby's room set up and waiting Shans still asleep so I get up and go to the bathroom and come out and lay back in bed and put my arm back over her and go back to bed

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