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Maddy's P.O.V

I woke up and went to check on Alexis and Sam and feed them and change there dippers and kiss them on the forehead and went back into the room and layed back down with Rhydian he must have been awake cause he put his arms over me again and I got closer to him closing the gap between us and we kiss gently and I pull away and look at him and see lust and love in his eyes and I get over him and we kiss again and he's biting my bottom lip and I take off his shirt and he put his hands I'm my shirt and begins to take it off when Ceri burst threw the door and sees how we are but we stay in the position were in "what are you doing in here?!" "Bryn ran away" I quickly get off Rhydian and walk to her and Rhydian gets up and puts his shirt back on "what do you mean he ran away" "he said he was running away to be with some girl" "well let's go I'll get the others" "ok but first who do I smell that is a wolfblood?" I look at Rhydian and say "Shan Tom and Harry became wolfbloods" "how" "I'll explain later but we got to go" I run into Shan and Harry's room "get up Bryn ran away we need to find him" they get up and I run into tom and Jana's room "get up Bryn ran away" they get up and we all run out the house to Ceri's house to get his scent since Harry Shan and tom don't know it we get there and they smell him "is that Bryn scent" "yes let's go" I get down on one knee and put my hand to the ground feeling everything around me and look up to the sky and see Bryn with a girl on the moores and there running and I snap out of eolas "there in the moores" I say and we all run off

Bryn's P.O.V

Her name is Rachel she's a wolfblood she's 14 just like me she has dirty blond hair with blue eyes and a beautiful white smile I love her I don't think mam would let me be with her cause she's not a part of our pack so I ran away with her I don't know where we will go but I don't care as long as I'm with her

Ceri's P.O.V

I don't know who she is but he always talk of her but I wanted to meet her but now he ran away with her I don't want care if she isn't in our pack if he loves her then that's ok I want to explain that to him but I don't know how

Rhydian's P.O.V

We need to find Bryn he says he loves her and I believe him mam wants to explain to him that he can be with her and she can stay with her at her house Maddy said she saw that at the moores we finally got to the moores and I saw Bryn and I ran to him "Bryn" I said and saw the girl ant he turned around "what do you want" "mam said she can stay at the house with you guys" "really even tho she's in another pack" "yes ask her yourself besides you need to meet your niece and nephew Sam and Alexis they were born yesterday" "before we go there this is Rachel my mate" "hello Rachel I'm Bryns brother rhydian" "hello Rhydian" "now let's go meet them" "ok mam Maddy shan tom Harry and Jana are this way oh and one more thing Harry tom and Shan are wolfbloods now so you have 3 new scents to learn" "how'd they..." "I'll explain later" "ok let's go" I said and we ran back and I hugged Maddy and kissed her forehead "hey Bryn" "hey Maddy" "who's this" "Rachel" "welcome to my territory are you tame" "yea I'm tame" "well this is Shannon Tom Harry Janna Ceri Rhydian and I'm Maddy" "hello everyone" "hello Rachel" Ceri walked over to Rachel and hugged her "welcome to the pack" "Maddy is my mate Shan is Harry's mate Jana is Toms mate and were all married and me and Maddy have 2 kids Sam and Alexis Shan is pregnant and Jana is pregnant Shan Harry and tom are new wolfbloods and because there with there mate Shan and Jana are pregnant" "ok well can we go back to yours and meet Alexis and sam?" "sure lets go" we ran back to the house and I picked up Sam and Maddy picked up Alexis and we brought them down to meet Rachel "this is Sam and that is Alexis" "there so cute" "thanks"

Maddy's P.O.V

Rachel Bryn and Ceri left and everyone sat in the living room playing with Alexis and Sam and Alexis has brown hair Like mine and Sam has dirty blond hair like Rhydian Sam has left eyes blue like Rhydians and the right is brown like mine and Alexis has the left eye brown and the right eyes blue "I love how Sam's left eye is blue and right eyes is brown and alexis's right eye is blue and left eyes is brown" "yea that's really cool" I carry Sam to his bed and put him in and Rhydian puts Alexis in her bed and we turn on the night light and turn the light off and close the door and head back downstairs to watch a movie with everyone i sat on the couch and Rhydian sat next to me with his arm over my shoulders and I cuddled into him "I'm so happy you guys are wolfbloods now and our pack is a pack again" "yeah I love being a wolfblood it's so fun now I see why you and Rhydian were always running off at lunch all the time" "yea don't forget training starts tomorrow and when your stressed run it help a lot it calms the wolf down" Rhydian said then kissed me on the cheek the movie was over Rhydian carried me up the stairs bridal style and tom carried Jana and Harry carried Shan the same way up the stairs and to our rooms Rhydian sat me down on the bed and locked the bedroom door and came over to me "my beautiful alpha" I blushed and looked at him "why don't we go to the moores and transform" "sure lets get Shan Harry Jana and Tom and go" "ok" I walk out the bedroom and knock on Shans door and she opens it "yes?" "me and Rhydian are going to the moores and gonna transform wanna join?" "sure lets go Harry come on" I knocked on Jana's door "everyone's going to the moores and gonna transform want to join" "sure tom come on" we walked downstairs and Rhydian was down there waiting "everyone ready?" "yes let's go!" Shan said and we ran out the door and ran to the moores at wolfspeed we got to were me Rhydian and Jana had our first lunar eclipse together "tomorrow the lunar eclipse and there will be another party in town you guys want to go again" "sure that'd be great" "good" Rhydian jumper on the rock like he did when we had our first eclipse "we should start training now then you guys will first transform next week and you need to learn to control the wolf" "let's wait until tomorrow" "ok were gonna transform" "ok" i walked over to Rhydian "ready?" "yea" Jana came over to us and all our eyes turned yellow and our veins went black and we transformed I can smell everything hear everything it's so amazing I tackled Jana and we tumbled down the hill and Rhydian waited for us to stop rolling and he ran after us we finally stopped at the bottom and got up we weren't hurt and we ran back up the hill and me and Jana were playing around and Rhydian jumped on bother of us and we threw him off and teamed up on him and began play with him trying to tackle him but he was to strong then after about an hour we transformed back and walked over to Shan Harry and Tom and woke them up and went back to the house and layed in bed and went to sleep with Rhydians arms around me I cuddled up to his chest

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