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Maddy's P.O.V

Shannon and Jana just came in the room with us tom and Harry was asleep and me and Rhydian were holding hands and I had my head in his chest and I got up and let go of his hand and hugged Shan then Jana and went back over to to bed and layed down and had my head on his chest and my arm around him Jana layed down with tom and Shan layed down with Harry and fell asleep me and Rhydian fell asleep I had a dream that someone broke into our house and killed my parents and took Alexis and Sam I shot up sweating and Rhydian shot up and looked at me "you ok? what happened?" "I had a bad dream I'm fine" "ok" we layed back down and he pulled me close and we fell back asleep

Rhydian's P.O.V

I woke up with the sun shinning in my face I rubbed my eyes with my free hand and looked around and everyone was asleep still I kissed Maddy forehead and she smiled and looked at me "I love you mads" "I love you to Rhydian" we sat up and I got up and went to the bathroom and came back and Maddy said "who's watching Sam and Alexis?!" "I don't know you passed out then everything went black next thing I know were here" "you both passed out in the living room me and tom carried you to the car after we put Shan and Jana in the car" Harry said "oh" "yeah like the time you passed out in drama on the new moon day before me and Shan knew what you guys were" tom said "maybe we shouldn't have ran" "yeah maybe" Maddy said and I kissed her "I hope Jennifer left" "who's Jennifer" Harry tom Jana and Shan asked in unison "a girl that had a huge crush on me at my old school before I came here me and Maddy were walking in the wood and someone pushed me and started to kiss me I didn't know who it was but I pushed her off and looked at her and got up and I realized it was Jennifer and she tried to kiss me again and I told her no I was married and I grabbed Maddys hand and kissed her forehead and she said I told her I loved her and I told her I didn't I said she was a annoying and I felt sorry cause she had no friends and I just pretended to be her friend and Maddy and me talked threw out minds and Maddy asked why she was their and I said I didn't know and Maddy said she wanted her to leave and never comeback so I told her to leave and don't come back and she said she was going to move to America and never come back and she left that's when Maddy said we had to go it was time and I asked how she knew and she said she could since it and we ran then we passed out" and they all looked like their processing everything I said and i talked to Maddy threw our minds "I love you Maddy" "I love you to Rhydian" "how long do you think their gonna take to process it all" "I don't know but they look funny" me and Maddy started laughing and everyone looked at us confused "what" "what are you guys laughing about we didn't hear to I say anything" "threw our minds only true mates can do it" "oh what did you say" "nothing" I kissed Maddy in her check and talked threw our minds again "love you mads" "love you too Rhydian" "I have a surprise for tomorrow night" "great what time" "8" "ok what about Sam and Alexis?" "Shan and Jana" "ok" I kiss Maddy on her head and didn't notice everyone talking to us and they stared at us "what?" "we've been trying to get your attention for the past few minuets" "oh sorry we wer-" "talking threw your minds again?" Shan said "yeah" it's ok bro" Harry said

Maddy's P.O.V

"Let's go home" "ok" just then toms mom came in with Devin and Emily and handed them to Shan and Jana we walked out to the car I got in Rhydians car and Shan Jana and tom got in his car with Emily and Devin and we drive first and they followed Rhydian hit the gas and we flew leaving them in our dust we got to the house and told mam and dad they could leave now and they did and me and Rhydian put the 2 cribs together in the nursery with Alexis and Sam and went down stairs and sat on the couch and held hands and everyone came in "we set up the cribs in the nursery with Sam and Alexis" "ok thanks" "welcome" Shan and Jana went upstairs with Devin and Emily and Harry and tom sat down in front if us "what kind of car do you have?!" "yea you flew here" "Camaro why?" where'd you get that money?!?" "lets just say some people very special to me" "I'll be right back" Maddy said and walked upstairs "I have a present for Maddy and some good plans for us tomorrow night I need you guys to watch Sam and Alexis please?" "sure what did you get Maddy?" "a Camaro of her own" they looked shocked "she has her license already and she is 17 almost 18 and she doesn't have a car" "yea we'll watch the kids with Shan and Jana" "ok but you can't tell them anything" "ok we wont" they said in unison "thanks" then I came back "everyone's doing fine what are you guys talking about?" "Plans" "ok well me and Rhydian are going for a run wanna join" "no it's ok were gonna stay here with Jana and Shan" "ok see ya later" "see ya" we walked towards to moores and Rhydian picked me up "close you eyes" i closed them "there closed" "keep them closed" after about 5 minuets he put me down "open them" i opened them and saw a Camaro it was all black with blue stripes and Rhydians was black with white stripes I looked at him "it's for you" I hugged him and kissed him after a few seconds I pull away "thank you Rhydian" "welcome mads come on let's drive down to Bernie's" we got in the car and followed the path that led to the road and we got on the road and drove to Bernie's I hit the gas and we flew after 5 minuets we got there and got out and walked in and asked for our usual and sat down at our usual table and Bernie gave us our milkshakes and our burgers "thanks Bernie" Rhydian said and gave him the money as we ate "where'd you get money for urs and mine?" "I know people" "ok" we finished our food and walked out and got in the car and began to drive to the house "good thing we have a 2 car garage" "yea both of ours can go in there now" we pulled up to the house and Rhydian hit a bottom by the rear view mirror and the garage opened "it opens for you when you hit that button" "cool' I pulled in and parked and walked inside and up to kids room and Jana and Shan were in there so I'm guessing Rhydian is talking to Tom and Harry Shan and Jana looked at me "so what did you guys do?" they said in unison "well we went to the moores and he showed me my car then we-" "car?!?" they said in unison again "yes he got me a Camaro like his anyway we drove to Bernie's and had the usual and talked and came here and the car is in the garage" "let's go see it!" Shan said "ok" we walked down the garage and I showed them "mine has blue stripes and the others Rhydians" "wow" "yeah anyway let's go to bed it's getting late" we walked inside and into our rooms and Rhydian was already in there I got in bed next to him and we layed down and kissed his lips and pulled away "thanks Rhydian" "welcome mads anything for the best girlfriend in the world" I blushed and turned around and he put his arms back on me and he fell asleep but I couldn't stop thinking 'best girlfriend in the world' and fell asleep

Sorry it was a short chapter the next one will be longer

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