A night to remember

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Rhydian's P.O.V

I woke up and Maddy was still asleep on me and everyone else was asleep so I got up and and started to make breakfast for everyone I began to make eggs potatoes and bacon I was cooking the bacon when I felt arms wrap around me I knew it was Maddy so I didn't care then I turned around and kisses her forehead and whispered "I love you mads" "I love you to Rhydian" I put the food on plates and put them on the table and everyone was already waiting I took my seat next to Maddy when we heard a bang I ran upstairs Maddy behind me and everyone else behind her I ran into the kids room and the window was busted and Sam and Alexis were gone I was shocked Maddy screamed and began to cry my try's were yellow and my black veins everywhere I could feel the wolf trying to break free I took a breath trying to see who it was the scent was familiar but not at the same time I turned and walked to Maddy and picked her chin up and kissed her and pulled away and looked at tom and Harry and we jumped out the window and looked for the person who did it we decided to go in the tree tops and look down so they can't hear us we followed the scent to Ceri's house and I ran in threw the door and saw Sam and Alexis there mam was tied up in a chair and Bryn and Rachel were gone "what happened?!" I ran over to Ceri and untied her and grabbed Sam and Alexis "Bryn..." "what about him" "Rachel took him I think she's going to try to kill him" "well how'd Sam and Alexis get here and who took them?" "Rachel" my eyes turn yellow and black veins everywhere "I'm gonna kill her take Sam and Alexis back to Maddy" i handed Sam and Alexis to her and she nodded and ran and me tom and Harry ran following her scent and I transformed unable to stop it and Harry and Tom followed the scent we found a cave and went in and say Bryn tied up and Rachel was asleep Shannon and Harry untied Bryn and me Maddy and Ceri's eyes turned yellow me and Maddy were infront of her and began to growl Rachel quickly got up and he eyes changed yellow and she saw Shan and Harry and Bryn walking over with yellow eyes also growling this was going to be that last of her we all changed and finished what she started we changed back into human form once we reached our house I hugged Maddy then walked over to Ceri and Bryn and hugged them "it had to be done" she nodded her head and Bryn did to I walked back over to Maddy and we walked into the house sir and Bryn left I sat on the couch tom and Jana were on the other couch and Harry and Shan were on the floor Maddy came in and sat next to me and snuggled into my chest I put my arm over her shoulder and kissed her forehead and Shan and Jana got up and went to the kitchen and came out with ice cream then disappeared again and came back with Sam and Alexis and handed Sam to me and Alexis to Maddy

Maddy's P.O.V

Shan handed Alexis and Jana handed Sam to Rhydian and smiled "thought you guys would want to hold them since what happen" "thanks guys" the went back to where they were sitting"you guys will be due next week" "I know I can't wait" "me neither" "I'm happy for you guys I love you all" "I love you to mads" everyone said in unison I kissed Sam and Alexis's head then kissed Rhydian and put my head on his shoulder and someone rang the doorbell everyone quickly smelt who it was "come in alric" I said he walks in and shuts the door "hello everyone" "hey" "just wanted to stop by and see how everyone is" "great" Jana gets up and and he sees her stomach "your pregnant?!" "yea" "it's amazing when is it due?" "Next week so is Shans" "Shans pregnant to?!" "yea and also Shan Harry and Tom are wolfbloods" "that explains the new scents I smell all the time" "yup" "how's Sam and Alexis maddy" "oh there great I can't wait until they transform" "I bet I remember Jana's first transformation" he smiles "ok well I'm gonna go now it was nice seeing everyone" "great to see you too bye" and he left and Jana and me sat back down I snuggled up into Rhydian and fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night and Sam and Alexis were gone I started to panic then Rhydian came down there stairs "I put Sam and Alexis in bed everyone is went to bed" "ok thanks" "come on let's get to bed" he picked me up bridal style and carried her upstairs and and put me down and shit the door and walked over to me and kissed me and I kissed back and threw him onto the bed and got over him and kissed him and he kissed back and let our tongues battle and he flipped me over so he was on top and continued to make out and he put one hand up my shirt and I had one hand around his neck and the other holding him up from crushing me and slowly kissed down my neck and began to suck and tiny moans escaped my lips making him go crazy and you know what happens from there

Rhydian's P.O.V

I woke up and me and Maddy were asked laying in bed and she was curled up to my chest and I kissed her and I felt her kiss back so she was probably beginning to wake up and I get up and put on boxers and pajama pants and she puts on a bra underwear shirt and shorts and brush our teeth and hair and walked downstairs and Maddy went into Sam and Alexis's room and I opened up the fridge and pulled out bacon eggs and sausage and began to cook and Harry came down "being a wolfbloods great" "yea it's amazing except tomorrow's a no moon day so that'll be a drag" "no moon day what's that?" "when there's a no moon day we don't have any of the wolfblood stuff and we feel like human but you feel awful" "oh that's gonna be interesting" "yea" then tom came down "what are you guys talking about" "no moon days" "what's that" "it's were a wolfblood looses all of there wolfblood powers and you feel human but awful" then Maddy Jana and Shan come down and Maddy says "all the guys have there shirts off nice" I put the food on the table and walk over to her and she puts her hands in my and to stop me "don't think about it mr six pack" I hurry up and pick her up and spin her and she squeals "I said dont" I put her down and everyone's still laughing and I pull her close and kiss her and she kisses back and puts her arms around my neck and pulls away "never said I can't do that" she let's go and and sits at the table and everyone else sits down and begin to eat and when were done they put there dishes in the sink and The girls run upstairs and I say quiet so they can't hear "everything ready at the place?" "yup can't wait" "me neither" "yea me neither" then they come back down and walk into the living room and sit down and we walk in and sit next to them and watch the movie and when the movie is over we get up and say "go put in some clothes and be ready in 10 minuets" "ok" they run upstairs and we pull out our clothes we normally wear and put on shoes and a jacket then they come down with what they normally wear "this good?" "that's great" we say in unison and put blindfold on the girls "why do we have to wear these?" "it's a surprise" "it's dark why do we have to wear them" "it's a surprise you guys will love it" Harry said them we pick them up bridle style and carry them out the house "what about Sam and Alexis?" "Emma and Dan are coming there almost here" "ok" we walk up to a river and up to a waterfall and walk behind the waterfall and we have a picnic set up and sit them down and take there blindfolds off at the same time and they gasp "well you guys like it?" "love it" Shan said "yea us too" they finally said and we sit down on the blanket and begin to eat the food Maddy finished and I grabbed her hand and walked out and sat on the blanket out there and watched the stars and she curled up to my chest "this is amazing Rhydian" I kissed her in her head "yeah I know" I get over her and kiss he gently and she kisses back with her arms around my neck and pulls me close deepening the kiss making it more passionate we don't even notice the others are on the other blankets I put off her and lay next to her and she curls up in my chest and I have my arms around her waist protectively and fall asleep Harry and Tom wake me up and I slowly get up trying not to wake Maddy up "what's up?" "we need to get back without waking the girls" "ok let's carry them and get them in bed and then come back and get everything else before midnight by the way what time is it?" "1110" "ok so let's hurry" we carefully pick up the girls and carry them back to the house and in bed and I tell Emma and Dan they can go home now and we run back to the waterfall and get everything and get inside and put everything away "what time is it" "1145" "ok let's get to bed night guys" "night and thanks for coming up with taking them out Rhydian" "no problem" we walk upstairs and I get in pajamas and get into bed and the girls are already in pajamas so they must have woke up and put them on I put my arm around Maddys waist and the other as her pillow and she cuddled into me

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