Ima what?

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Rhydian's P.O.V


We were trapped by Whitewood she had Sam and Alexis in her arms laughing Maddy was. Knocked out I ran to her side she had blood coming from her forehead I ran toward Whitewood I felt my eyes change and my veins go black and my claws out I froze when I saw Ceri was pale I knew she was dead I felt my heart stop and tears running down my checks she wasn't much of a mother to me but she was still my mom Bryn was tied up next to her I saw the fear in his puffy eyes he had ben crying I heard Whitewood laugh "you thought you could get away thought I died" she laughed again I heard a yelp I turned around and saw Maddy with I knife to her neck and fear in her eyes her eyes getting watery in turned to Whitewood as she sat Sam and Alexis in a playpen looking area they were now 4 the playpen had wires hooked up to it I looked back at Maddy her eyes yellow now she kicked the person in the knee and slapped there head into the wall knocking them out I looked back to Bryn he looked around 15 his eyes yellow to he broke free from his ropes and walked up to me I looked at Whitewood and saw fear in her eyes as I walked up to her with my claws out my eyes yellow and my veins black I looked behind me and saw Maddy and Bryn looked the same and walked behind me I looked back at Whitewood and saw the fear in her eyes 'I'm going to kill her' Maddy said there our minds I looked down and she was in wolf form 'get her I'll get the kids' I looked at Bryn he was also in wolf form I nodded and Maddy lunged for Whitewood followed by Bryn I grabbed Sam and Alexis I put them down and told them to stay I ran over to Ceri and grabbed her I looked back at Maddy and Bryn Maddy was I top Whitewood growling at her and Bryn was ripping her open Maddy went for her throat and Whitewood went limp Maddy ripped her head off and looked back at me and Bryn changed back into human form followed by Maddy Bryn walked over to me and grabbed Ceri I picked up Alexis and Maddy picked up sam and we ran as fast as we could to Maddys and when we got there I put Sam and Alexis in our room and ran downstairs and cleared off the table and Bryn sat Ceri down I felt for a pulse but there wasn't one I looked at Bryn his eyed watery I felt mine water up I sat down and Maddy sat next to me and rested her head on me I heard a faint heartbeat I looked up and stared at Ceri Bryn looked up Ceri's skin was turning back to normal I stood up alone with Maddy and Bryn I walked over to her and her eyes shot open me and Bryn hugged her she hugged us back "my beautiful boys" "I thought you were dead!" Bryn said "I took a shot that makes my heart rate slow down so much it's undetectable and it began to wear off when I was fighting with Whitewood I switched her needle with that one" we nodded I let go of Ceri and looked at Maddy and kissed her forehead and turned back to Ceri then something shot threw the window I smelt blood and looked to Maddy she had a arrow threw her heart she began to fall and I caught her "no no no no no this can't be happening!" "I love you Rhydian t-tell the k-kids I-I-I love them t-to forever a-and always" I kissed her forehead " stay awake Maddy you'll be ok" "no I-it's t-to late" I saw the life draining from her eyes tears rolling down my face "MADDY! MADDY! WAKE UP!" She went limp as the rest of her life drains out her eyes "NO!"

~end of dream~

I woke up screaming "NO!" I was sweating and breathing heavy my eyes were blurry I looked beside me and saw Maddy was looking at me worried I felt tears run down my checks "are you ok? you were screaming and crying in your sleep?" I looked at her tears rolling down my face " I had a dream Whitewood caught us she had Sam and Alexis in a crib hooked to wires you and Bryn killed her while I got Sam and Alexis and Ceri we ran back to the house and sat Ceri on the table and Sam and Alexis in our room I came back and she didn't have a heartbeat and was pale I thought she died until I heard a heartbeat begin and she woke up and told us when she was fighting Whitewood she switched her needle with whitewoods to make her seem dead and something came threw the window and I smelled blood I looked to you and you had a arrow threw your heart you told me you loved me and the kids and I saw the life draining from your eyes and you went limp" I was crying again and Maddy picked my head up I look in my eyes and kissed me "whitewoods dead and I'm not going anywhere" I nodded and wiped my face "want to head back?" "Yeah I want to see Sam and Alexis there birthday is next week and Emily and Devine is the week after" "1 year already still can't believe it" "yeah me neither to think about a year ago we found out I was pregnant now look" "yeah" I walked over to Maddy and kissed her again and walked over to the bag and handed her her clothes and put on my pants and a shirt we got dressed and finished getting ready and got in the car and drove back it's was 8 "we had 6 hours of sleep" "yeah but I don't feel tired" "yeah I know me neither" we finally arrived at the house after another 10 minuets of driving and Harry came out really happy "full moon in 2 days! I love full moons!" "yeah I love full moons too there so fun" "so how was your night?" "great" I smiled looking at Maddy and she was blushing looking at the ground "anyway hey how about we all go on the moores again for the full moon?!" "I'll go ask Shan but I'm totally in and I'm guessing tom and Jana are in too" "yea I'm in!" Maddy said "we don't have to far to go were really close so we can leave the kids and keep the door locked" Harry walked away and I looked at Maddy and kissed her passionately and pulled away and walked hand in hand into the house and began talking threw our minds "you think I shouldn't control myself around you when there around?" "I think you should let go and not worry" I smiled and everyone was in the kitchen I walked to the living room and slammed Maddy into the wall kissing her her hand went to my neck and played with my hair and my hands slipped up her shirt I kissed down her jaw line to her neck and picked her up she wrapped her legs around my waist I walked over to the couch and layed her down I was over her kissing her and kissed down her jawline again to her neck my hands slipped up her shirt I heard a growl and liked up to see max with yellow eyes and black veins and claws I pulled away and stood up Maddy sat up and looked at us my eyes yellow black veins everywhere and claws out "you want to challenge me? you want my alpha? you want my wife? you want my children?" he growled I felt my wolf rising to the surface I looked and saw Jana Tom Harry and Shan watching he kissed Maddy twice and slept with Maddy next thing I know I'm running to him and and jumped landing on him in wolf form he turned into his wolf I got off him and lunged for his throat and slung him info the wall I heard a yelp I walked closer to him and put his leg in my mouth I was ready to bite it off when I heard a deep growl I spite his leg out and looked and saw Maddy in wolf form only her wolf was different it was huge jet black and had big Snow White teeth that were razor sharp she walked up to us her wolf was bigger than mine I was normally barley taller than her and I was taller than Max Jana Maddy Tom Harry and Shan but Maddy was way bigger than me her wolf was about 6ft tall and black eyes she growled at us I immediately submitted and got low I looked at max and he didn't submit Maddy growled so deep it cause me to shift back into a human I backed up to everyone "how did she do that?" I asked in disbelief she looked at max and growled deep and snapped at him he still stood there she lunged for him stoping right in front his face showing all her teeth drool on her top fang down to her bottom he finally submitted she growled deep like she did with me and caused him to turn back human I walked over to her she looked at me and I had to look up at her now she turned back I hugged her and kissed her forehead and talked thew our minds "how did you do that?" "I don't know" "why is your wolf so different?" "I don't know" "I still love you mads" "I love you to rhyd" I pulled back enough to see her face and pulled her head up with my finger so she looked into my eyes I kissed her passionately and gentle and hugged her again she pulled away and I put my hand around her waist she looked at everyone except max "let's go ask mom and dad about this" "ok" everyone said in unison Maddy Jana and Shan ran upstairs I looked at Tom and Harry "were gonna run there if that's ok with everyone" "sure"

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