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Maddy's P.O.V

After we ate me and Jana decided to take a walk and Rhydian would stay at Shans but he didn't like that but he stayed anyway "so where are we going?" Jana asked "the moores?"i said "sure lets go" she said and began to run and I was beside her. We got to the moores and that's when I smelt it "wolfblood" I said Jana smelt it to our eyes turned yellow and we followed the sent then it stopped me and Jana looked around and couldn't find anything, we began to walk back and that's when we smelt it again and we chased it running wolf speed we were not gonna let it get away from us now then the sent stopped at the river Jana crossed looking on that side of the river and I looked on this side that's when I smelt it "Jana this way!" I said and ran next thing I know I'm being kissed I don't know who it is but then Jana came and pushed whoever it was off me then I saw who it was it was Alex another wolfblood I looked at him confused "Alex?" I asked he nodded "wha...what are you doing here?" I asked "I came for you" he said Jana looked at me in confusion "Alex was part of my pack when he lived here but that was years ago and he had to move" I said "so why are you here for her?" Jana asked "I missed her" he said looking at me and he walked up to me and we hugged "I missed you too Alex bu.." he cut me off when he kissed me I pushed him off "what are you doing!?"I asked "I love you Maddy" and grabbed me and held me against a tree and made out with me and Yana tried to get him off but was too strong and he flung her against a tree hurting her arm I pushed him away from me "alex I already have a mate I don't love you I love him!" alex looked hurt "I've always loved you maddy" "well I love someone else" he slammed me back against the tree and kissed me again then Rhydian came and threw him off me and stepped infront of me protectively "she said she doesn't love you!" he said to Alex "who are you?"

Rhydian's P.O.V

"I'm her mate, she loves me not you!" I said to Alex and turned my eyes yellow and my veins turned black "I'm sorry can I atleast stay her?" he asked me "NO you need to leave now! before I kill you!" I yelled at him Jana getting up and walking over to me "leave now and don't come back!" I yelled and he left I turned around to look at Maddy and hugged her "are you ok?" I asked "yea I love you" "I love you too mads" I say and kiss her gently which are the only lips that should be on hers I put my hands on her waist and pulled her in tight deepening the kiss and her arms around my neck and she pulled away out of breathe "we should get back is your arm ok" Maddy asked jana "yea tomorrow's a full moon so it'll heal when I transform" she said we got back to Shannon's and Jana sat with tom Harry and Shannon and me and Maddy walk to Shannon room and lock the door "so who was he?" "Alex he use to live down here until they had to move when we were younger" "so why was he kissing you?" "he said he loves me" "do you love him?" "no of course not I love you and you are my mate" she smiled and pushed my on my back and got over me and kissed me "good I love you to mads" I smiled and we began to make out and she pulled away out of breathe and got up and I pushed her into the door and we fell threw and I slammed her into the wall and kissed her neck and a moan escaped her lips and I put my hands under her butt and picked her up and slammed her back into the wall and kissed her neck and a moan escaped her lips again and Harry came up "calm down Rhydian don't brake her come on downstairs and watch a movie with us" I pulled away and gasped for breathe and carried her downstairs behind Harry and sat down with Maddy in my lap and my arms around her protecting her.

Maddy's P.O.V

I can't believe Alex is back but why did he say he loves me and then kiss me Has he always fancied me and I just didn't know it? oh well I love Rhydian he is my mate and I alway will love him "what are we watching shan?" "a horror movie" I got closer to Rhydian and he held his arms tight around me and whispered in my ear "I love you mads I'll protect you forever" those words sent chills down my spin "I love you to rhyd" I whisper back he pulls me closer and kisses my neck. Then we heard a knock on the door me Jana and rhydian could smell who it was it was Alex I got up and rhydian had his arms around my waist and everyone followed I opened the door and saw him "what do you want Alex?" I said rhydians eyes yellow and black veins everywhere "I just wanted to say sorry for earlier" he said Rhydian growling "I shouldn't have kissed you I'm sorry can we just be friends?" he asked I didn't know what to say he kissed me and hurt Jana if Rhydian wasn't there to stop him I don't know what would happen "no you can't you need to leave out territory and don't come back I don't want to see you anymore" I said he looked hurt but I didn't care "if that's how you feel then goodbye" he said and walked away.

Harry's P.O.V

After Alex left Rhydian was still mad his eyes still yellow his black veins still everywhere then Maddy whispered something to him and Jana then he said "we will be back" and then they left then tom said "I wonder what there up to" "I don't know but I don't want to know it's there business not ours" I said and walked over to Shannon and hugged her "I love you Shan" I whispered to her "I love you to Harry" she whispered back

Alex's P.O.V

After they told me to leave I left I love Maddy but she has a mate I'm jealous but it doesn't matter what hurt was when she told me to leave and never come back so I left I'm running wolf speed and out the territory i don't know where to go now I guess I have to go back to my pack

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