The truth

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Maddy's P.O.V

I walked downstairs and Rhydian behind me and we sat at the table and began to eat our breakfast then tom and Shannon walked "morning tom morning Shan" I said "morning guys" they said in unison "so how about we go back to mine and watch a movie my parents are out for some business thing" Shannon said "sure after we eat" I said and we finished eating and were cleaning up when I smelt harry "hey Shan Harry's here" I said and as soon as she walked up to the door the door bell rang she answered it and me and Rhydian were standing into the living room and he slammed me into the wall and began to make out and it was so loud but I didn't care then mam and tom Shannon and Harry were staring at us and Shannon tom and Harry smiled and began talking and my mam said "easy Rhydian don't break her" and smiled then he pulled away and I looked at him and smiled "yeah dont break me" I said teasing and Harry tom and Shannon sat on the couch and Rhydian picked me up and spun me around and I squealed and Harry tom and Shannon laughed and he put me down and said "so we going to yours now Shan?" he asked "yeah lets go" Shan said and we walked out and I ran and jumped on Rhydians back and he carried me all the way down to Shannon's. We got there and sat on the couch and I sat on Rhydians lap and Shannon put the movie in "what are we watching Shan?" I asked "a horror movie" Rhydian put his arms around me and whispered "its time to tell Harry" I nodded my head

Rhydian's P.O.V

"Hey Harry since your like my brother now there something I need to tell you" I said "ok what is it" he asked "well we are wolfbloods" I said "who" he aske "me maddy her parents jana and a lot of others" I said "ok well what's a wolfblood" he asked "half wolf half human but not werewolf sew weren't bitten we were born like this" I said "can you show me?" he asked "sure ready mads?"I said "yeah" she said out eyes changed yellow and black veins ran up our neck on our faces and out arms we got down on transformed into out wolf and sat down "its on there not dangerous" Shannon and tom said we changed back into humans "so you can do that whenever you want?" Harry asked "yeah when we feel threatened or in danger, every full moon, whenever we want to" I said "that's awesome" Harry said I smiled and Maddy did too "don't worry I won't tell anyone you can trust me" Harry said "good were also faster have better hearing and better sight, and running helps us stay calm makes us feel free" Maddy said "so is that why when Rhydian got I'm fights with jimi you two ran off and at lunch?"he asked "yea" I said "welcome to the pack" me maddy shannon and tom said in unison "thanks" Harry said smiling "also me and Maddy are mates" I said "ok" hardy said and we all sat back down how we were and finished the movie.

Maddy's P.O.V

I don't like scary movies they give me nightmares. But as long as im in my mates arms I feel safe "I love you Rhydian" "I love you too maddy" he said and pulled me in closer and gently kissed my neck when he stopped the movie was over "so where is everyone sleeping" I asked "I was thinking boys on the floor and girls get the couch?"shannon asked "that's good for me" I said looking at Rhydian I turned my eyes yellow at him teasing him and he turned his yellow to and me stood up and were in front of each other growling and our veins black all over our faces and tom Shannon and Harry got on the couch out of our way and I pushed Rhydians chest and said "race ya" and ran out the house and Rhydian running behind and he ran infront of me and put his arm out and caught me and picked me up and spun me around and I squealed and began to make out deep and passionate and we interwinded and began to walk back to Shannon's when we got back Shannon asked "what was that about?" "oh nothing" Rhydian said and walked into the kitchen and he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist and everyone watched us but we didn't care and he slammed me into the fridge and I looked into his eyes and began to make out "remember don't break her bro" Harry said teasing and Rhydian pulled away "I don't think it's possible to break her" he said and walked into the living room and layed on the floor and tom and Harry layed down and me and Shannon layed on the couch and began went to sleep and I had a nightmare and woke up and Rhydian was holding me and I snuggled into him and sat down on the recliner and I layed next to him and and covered up with a blanket and had his arms around my waist and I snuggled into his chest and he kissed me on the forehead.

Rhydian's P.O.V

I woke up and Maddy was still asleep and I look at everyone else and there still asleep so I kiss Maddy on her forehead she looked so safe and peaceful in my arms I slowly got up and went to the bathroom and came back into the living room and Maddy was awake I walk over to her and and lean down and kiss her gently then I wrap my arms around her and lift her out the chair and put my hands under her butt and hold her up and she wraps her legs around my waist and she pulls away gasping for a breathe "I love you Rhydian" she said "I love you to mads" and she smashed her lips against mine and I put my tongue on lip begging for entrance and she lets me in she taste so good and so sweet I pulled away and we layed back on the recliner and I had my arms over her protectively and she snuggled into my chest when I woke up Maddy was sleeping and I looked around and Harry was awake "how did you too sleep?" Harry said smiling "good and you?" I said "good, you too were kinda loud this morning" Harry said "oh sorry bro" I said "its ok" Harry said "why don't you get up on the couch with Shan" I said smiling he got on the couch and put his arms around her and she snuggled up to him "now all we need to do is get tom a girl" Harry said smiling "I already know who he likes" I said "who?" Harry said "Jana and Maddy" I said "well he knows he can't get Maddy so how about jana?"he asks "I dont know she's a wolfblood and he's not" I said "well then we got go find someone else" he says "yea we can talk to him about it later let's get back to sleep" I said "ok" he said I wake up and Everyone's awake except Maddy "hey guys how did everyone sleep?" I ask "great" everyone said in unison "why were you too so loud this morning it woke me up?" Shannon asked "we wer..." before I could finish Maddy jumped up with yellow eyes and black veins all over her face and arms I smelled the air "wolfblood" I said my eyes yellow and black veins all over my face and arms Maddy must have smelt it before I did we ran up stairs and everyone behind us we open the door and saw Jana "Jana what are you doing here?" Maddy asks "I missed the human world" hugging Maddy and Maddy hugged back and Harry tom and Shannon came in tom and Shannon ran to Jana and hugged her "does he know?" Jana asks "yeah we can trust him" I say maddy standing next to me and her eyes turn yellow and black veins are everywhere and she pushes Jana then me "race ya!" then runs me and Jana's eyes are yellow and black veins everywhere we take off after Maddy we run down stairs and out the door and run to the moores when we get there we loose Maddy we stop and look around but no sight of her then out of nowhere she lands on me I land on my back and she leans in and we make out forgetting Jana's here "save it for the bed" Jana says smiling Maddy gets off me "so I didn't why did you come back?" I ask "I said I missed the human world and missed you guys" she says "ok well are you her to stay?" Maddy asks "no just visiting Ceri's in charge of the wild pack until I get back" Jana says "oh ok well how long are you staying?" I ask "until Sunday" she says "ok well let's get back to Shans" Maddy says and we run wolf speed back we run into the door and we got inside and I pick Maddy up and spin her and she squealed and Jana Harry Shannon and tom laughed I put her down to face me and she leant in and we kissed and I slammed her into the wall and I put my hands under her butt and picked her up and made out with her forgetting about everyone else and she wrapped her legs around me and I carried her upstairs into Shannon's room and locked the door and put Maddy down on the bed and locked the window and closed the curtains and got over her and kissed her neck making moans escape her lips I knew Jana could hear them but no one else could I ripped Maddys shirt off and she ripped mine off and I kissed her all over and and sucked her neck and her moans got louder so I kissed her slowly and gentle then getting more and more passionate and deepening the kiss as our tongues collided then I remembered we were at Shannon's house so I stopped and handed her the shirt and put in my shirt and carried her on my back downstairs and sat her on the couch and tom handed everyone there breakfast.

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