Good news

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Rhydian's P.O.V

She's laying on the bed and I'm standing "I love you Rhydian" "I love you to mads" I jump on her and kiss her neck she moans and flips me over and she gets on top me "race ya" and runs before I can say anything she ran out the house and I'm coming down the steps and everyone looked confused "what happened" Shan said I ran out after her at wolf speed following her sent I found her at the river I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and squealed I kissed her neck making her moan and push her into a tree and kissing her neck I tiny moan escapes her lips and I begin to suck and her moans get louder I put my hands up her shirt on her back pulling her close so her body is as close to mine as she can get I kiss her lips gently and get deeper and put my tongue on her lip begging for entrance and she lets me in she taste sweet she has her arms around my neck I began to suck her neck again making her moan and I continue I slowly start to take her shirt off then someone says "ok you too come back the the house" I knew then it was Emma I pull away quickly and take my hands out her shirt and pull it back down "sorry mrs smith" "it's between us" she says pointing at me and Maddy she gets on my back and we go back to the house and walk in the door and everyone looks at us "what was that about?" harry said "oh nothing" me and Maddy say in unison and I carry her into her room and she said "I'm gonna take a shower" I locked the bedroom door and lay on the bed "I'll be here when your done"i say smiling

Maddy's P.O.V

I close the door and and turn on the water and wait for it to get warm and strip my clothes off and get in the shower then I felt hands around me I turn around quickly and stare into his blue eyes and he kisses me gently and I pull away needing to breath and that's when we heard "he is almost 18 I think there ready" "yeah I know" "let's not tell them until tomorrow" "ok I agree" and we looked at each other "what do you think it's about" "I don't know but let's not worry about it" "ok" and we wash each other's hair and get out and dry off and get dressed and lay on the bed and cover up he has his arms around me and I curl up to his chest and I kiss him and he kisses back and pull away and we fall asleep I woke up and kiss Rhydian on the lips and he kisses back "happy birthday Rhydian" "I love you mads" "I live you to rhydian" we get up and go downstairs and everyone's eating we start eating and everyone says "happy birthday rhydian!" He blushes and I grab his hand "present time!" Shan says

Rhydians P.O.V

I open the first present it's from Jana it's a sculpture of wood of me Maddy and her in wolf form from the night we first had an eclipse "thanks jana" I open the next present it's from Shan it's a scrapbook of all of us together "thanks shan" I open the next present it's from Harry it's a picture of the 6 of us "thanks bro" I open the next present it's from tom it's dog chews we all laugh "thanks bro" I open the next present it's from Emma and Daniel its a key "what is this key for I already have keys to this house" "there not to this house and it's for all of you guys" we all look confused "I'll show you later" Maddy ran to her room I went after her and closed her door she was in the bathroom throwing up "are you ok?" "no I think I'm pregnant but we didn't do anything unprotected and nothing broke" "I heard when your near your mate you slowly become pregnant" "ok well let's not tell anyone yet" "ok good idea" we walk back downstairs and I followed Maddy into the kitchen

Emma's P.O.V

I know Maddys pregnant I know they didn't do anything unprotected it's because Maddys with her mate and is slowly becoming pregnant so me and Dan got Maddy Rhydian Harry Shan Jana and Tom a house

Maddy's P.O.V

"Hey mam I need to tell you something" "sure pet what is it" "I'm pregnant and we didn't do anything unprotected I swear" "I know I can sense it we all know it's ok pet your with your mate so your pregnant" "ok" "now come on time to show all you guys what house that key belongs to" we all walk out the house and down the road and back into the woods and get to this huge house we all stop and looked shocked "welcome home guys" mam and dad say "home?!" "yeah it's all of yours" we all run into the house mam and dad run back home and leave us to our house we find our rooms and they all have there own bathroom tom and Jana's room has dj things in it Harry and Shans room has his guitar and Shans computer in there and Rhydian and my room has Rhydians drawings hanging up my favorite is me and him in wolf form and a cub I between us I lay on the bed and Rhydian closes the door and locks it and gets over me and kisses me passionately I kiss back passionately he slowly kisses down to my neck making me moan and back up to my lips and I put my tongue on his lips begging to get in and he lets me our tongues collide as they battle I take his shirt off revealing his 6 pack and he has his hands up my shirt and sucks my neck again moans escape my lips and I put one hand on his neck and the other on his back pulling him closer deepening the kiss and you know what happens from there

Rhydian's P.O.V

I woke up and Maddy was in the bathroom taking a shower she left the door cracked open alittle so I decided to take a shower with her I slowly walk in and take my clothes off and get in and wrap my arms around her waist and pull her tight to me and whisper "I love you mads" she turned around and kissed me "I love you to Rhydian" I kiss her again and pull away and wash off and she washes off and washes her hair and I got out and dried off and rubbed my head with the towel then wrapped the towel around my waist and grab a towel for Maddy and she gets out and I hand her it and she dries off and wraps the towel and her under her arms and we walk out "I'll get us some food I don't think anyone is up yet" "ok I want meat" "me too I'll be back" "ok" I walk out and close the door and still have the towel around my waist and open the fridge and pull out steaks and begin to cook them then Jana comes out "I smell meat" and looks at me and sees I only have a towel on "oh sorry" "nah your ok I didn't think anyone was up yet" "I wasn't until I smelt meat" "I'll cook you one to if you want" "that'd be great thanks" "no problem" I finish the steaks and put Jana's on a plate and give it to her and put mine and Maddys in a plate and walk into the room and Maddys in bed watching tv "thanks Rhydian they smell so good" "your welcome mads" and I hand her the plate and we eat as we watched tv together then I got dressed and carried Maddy out into the living room and sat with her and watched tv out there "hey rhydian thanks for the steak again it was good" "welcome Jana"

Maddy's P.O.V

I fell asleep on Rhydian in the living room and woke up and he was cooking dinner "everyone else went to Bernie's but I wanted to stay with you and have some alone time" I smiled and got up and walked to him "good" I got to him and put my arms around his waist from behind him "I love you Rhydian" "I love you to mads" "what are you cooking" "hamburgers with fries" "ok" "anything else you want with it?" "No I'm fine with just that" the phone rings I get up and answer it "hello" "hey pet" "oh hey mam" "I just wanted to tell you that the baby will come in 2 weeks" "it's not 9 months like a human" "no for wolfbloods it's 3 weeks and you've been pregnant for 1 week" "ok oh mam thanks for telling me mam" "your welcome pet" "bye" "bye" I hang up the phone and turn to look at Rhydian "what she say" he put the food on the table "that the baby will come in 2 weeks" he smiled and picked me up and spun me I giggled "that's amazing" he said and put me down and I star into his eyes and he stares into mine I put my arms around his neck and and he puts his around my waist and pulls me in and kisses me and I kiss back I put my tongue on his lips begging for entrance and he lets me in as our tongues battle he puts his hands on my butt and picks me up and sits me down on the table and pulls me close and I wrap my legs around his waist and he pulls me closer deepening the kiss then we heard tom say "ok you too were back" we pull away out of breath smiling "what" Shan says looking at me "the baby will come in 2 more weeks" I say and get off the table and she runs to me and we hug "that's so amazing" Jana said and came and hugged me "I can't wait" harry said "me neither mate" tom said and me and Rhydian ate our food and went upstairs "night everyone" "night" i got in bed and Rhydian got beside me and I curled into his chest and he put his arm around my waist protectively

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