Its time

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Maddy's P.O.V

I woke up and Rhydian has his arms over me like always the baby will come sometime this week can't wait but I'm nervous I look up and Rhydian had just woken up and I look into his eyes and he leans down and kisses me gently I kiss him back and pull away I get up "so sometime this week" "yea I love you Rhydian" "I love you to mads" and that's when it happened "it's time" I say looking at Rhydian he looks confused then realizes what he just heard and carried me to the car and drove fast to mams "Emma Daniel it's time!" he yelled and they ran and carried me to the den I pass out

"Emma's P.O.V

Maddy passed out which is normal so we deliver her baby she has a girl then we see there's another a boy she had twins "she'll wake up in a hour rhydian" "ok" he said looking back at Maddy and picked up both baby's and kissed them both and I went upstairs to talk to dan "I can't believe it were grandparents" "I know I'm so proud of them" I say

Rhydian's P.O.V

I put Alexis and Sam down in the crib and Maddy woke up "sleeping beauty is finally awake" he said jokingly "what happen" "you passed out and you'll never believe this" "what" "you had twins" "what?!" "yea meet Alexis and Sam" I said handing her Alexis as she kissed her on the head "my beautiful girl" she said handing me Maddy and gave her Sam "and my handsome son" she said and kissed him on the head and we walked my stairs and saw Jana Tom Harry and Shan smiling and Shan and Jana ran over and grabbed Sam and Alexis "there so cute what are there names" "that's alexis" I said pointing to the girl Shan was holding "and that's sam" I said pointing to the boy Jana's holding and Harry and Tom came to me "congratulations you to" they said smiling "time to go home" Maddy said and Shan handed Alexis to her and Jana handed me Sam and we left and went back to the our house we finally got there and put Alexis and Sam into their cribs and got in bed and layed down and Rhydian came in and I got up and jumped on him and he slammed me into the wall for the first time since I found out I was pregnant I kinda missed it and he began to kiss me passionately and gently and I kiss back the same and he pulled me in deepening the kiss and I put my tongue on his lips and he let me in and our tongue battled and and he threw me on the bed and got over me and whispered "I love you Maddy" "I love you to Rhydian" we kiss and I pull away and he gets up and I walk out and into the Sam and Alexis's room and picked up Alexis and Rhydian came in and picked up Sam and kissed his head gently and Sam smiled I kissed Alexis on the head gently and she smiled and laughed and then Sam started to laugh and me and Rhydian smiled and laughed and carried them into the living room and Jana Shan Tom and Harry were there watching a movie and we sat down on the couch and they looked at us and smiled "well now that everyone's here we have something to tell you guys" me Rhydian Jana and tom looked at Shan and Harry "so do we" tom said "ok we will go first me and Shannon are wolfbloods now" Harry said and we all looked shocked "that's why I keep smelling a new scent" I said "how?" Rhydian said "well the pack healers gave me and shan wolfblood potion so we could be wolfbloods like you guys" "that's awesome" "ok my turn I'm a wolfblood too I also went to the pack healers and got wolfblood potion" "I'm so glad my best friends are wolfbloods to and since the full moons in 2 weeks we can show you guys how to use eolas and things like that" "and we have more news" Jana and Shan said "let me guess you guys are pregnant too" I said "how'd you know" "I'm a wolfblood it can sense it" "3 weeks to go and I started getting pregnant yesterday and tom became a wolfblood 2 days ago" "yeah same with me Harry and me became a wolfblood 2 days ago to the pack healers called us over there so we went together and I started to become pregnant yesterday to" "I can't wait our family will be complete" I said and we all smiled "when will this territory become ours?" tom said "when mam and dad say so can you guys turn your eyes and get the veins to come and your teeth yet" "yea" they changed there eyes made the black veins show and got there's teeth then stopped and went back to normal "that's great me" "do you guys want to go for a run?" "What about Sam and Alexis?" "they can come" "ok sure lets go" we put our shoes on and wrapped Alexis and Sam in a blanket "you guys have wolfspeed?" "yeah" "ok" we ran out the house and to the moores Shan tom and Harry kept up now that they have wolfspeeed we stop out of breath where me Jana and Rhydian were for the eclipse "that's amazing" Harry tom and Shan said in unison "yeah training starts tomorrow" "ok" "that say and me and Rhydian Hand Shan and Jana our cubs and me and Rhydian run around and climb up trees and our eyes yellow then Rhydian tackles me and we fall and roll down the hill and laugh when we stop and and walk back up the hill and I get Alexis from Shan and Rhydian gets Sam from Jana and we run back to the house and put them back in there room and we go to our room and lay down and fall asleep

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