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Rhydian's P.O.V

I got out the shower and got dressed and grabbed all my dirty clothes from when I went to see Maddy and put them in the dirty clothes pile. I got downstairs and saw the Vaughn's sitting in the living room. "so how was the camping trip?" "it was great I saw wat" i wad interrupted by mr Vaughn "so where exactly were you Rhydian" "I was up by some water falls they were amazing" "ok so wheres the tent" "up in my room I'll get it after i eat" and walked into the kitchen when I heard the Vaughn's talking "so where do u think he really went" "probably to see Maddy wherever she is". I finished making food and eating as I continued to listen to them talk about Maddy "we need him to confess where he was and if he was with Maddy" "yeah I agree let's wait until he comes back into here" I walked into the room and sat down on the couch and texted tom and Shannon"hey meet me at Bernie's in 10" "ok". I didn't notice the Vaughn's talking to me until they yelled my name "RHYDIAN!" "what" "were you even listening?" "sorry but I got to go meet tom at Bernie's" "ok be back by 10 since it's Sunday" "ok" I walked out the house and ran wolf speed to Bernie's and tom was already there "so why did you want go meet here" "well I have to talk to you about something" "ok what about" "well I was with Maddy all week and I was wondering if you and Shan would want to come like to come with me back to the wild pack on tomorrow

since were off school this week?" I said "how will we get there..walk?" Tom said "I'll think of something" I said "yea then I can finally see Maddy again!" Shannon said "ok well how about we stay at yours?" tom said "we can't cause the Vaughn's" I said "how about we stay at mine" Shannon said "great we should go get our stuff, meet you back at yours" "ok great". I ran to the Vaughn's "hey I'm going to stay at Shannon's for tonight and tom will be there they made surprise and for the week and won't tell me so I have no idea where we will be going" "ok but bring your phone and go get uour clothes" "ok great thanks"

Shannon's P.O.V

I can't wait to see Maddy again I miss her so much. I go pack clothes for the whole week and went down stairs and turned on the tv and saw the most shocking thing ever "Dr. Whitewood has been in a horrible car accident and has died" that means Maddy can come back! then I heard a knock on the door I opened it and saw rhydian and tom "did you guys hear the news?" "no what about it" tom and Rhydian said in unison "dr whitewoods dead!" they both looked shocked "she was in a car accident" "Maddy can come back!" tom said and Rhydian still looked shocked and ran to the garden and me and tom followed.

Rhydian's P.O.V

When I heard the news I ran outside I had to see if it was true I got done on one knee and felt everything about me I looked up completing eolas and searched for Whitewood I founed her at the hospital dead then I searched for Maddy I saw her asleep she looked so beautiful and peaceful I snapped out of eolas and turned around and told tom and Shan that it's true she's really dead then we ran inside and put on a movie and Shan said "who's sleeping were?" "I'll sleep on the couch" I said "I'll sleep on the floor" tom said "ok then I'll take the chair" Shan said we layed in our spots and Shan fell asleep first then tom then me I woke up to the smell of meat Shan and tom were eating bacon and eggs and ham with toast I jumped up and ate I ate everything "can I use ur shower shan" I asked "sure" I grabbed my stuff and got my body wash out my bag and and stripped out my clothes and took a shower when I was done I got dressed and put my body wash back in the bag and sprayed cologne on me and went down stairs and tom went to take a shower "you smell good" Shannon said "thanks Shan" "welcome" then tom came down and said "you guys ready?" "lets go" Shan said "so how are we gonna get there?" tom asked "it's a surprise" we got to the end of the territory and saw 3 atvs "everybody get on"

••••••••50 minuets later•••••••

We got 10 minuets from where the pack is and hid the atvs we began to walk towards the pack I could already smell Maddy I saw the wild pack and Maddy and her parents she began to run to me "RHYDIAN!" "MADDY!" I began to run to her when we go to each other I rucked her up and spun her around as she squealed I put her down and hugged her with a bone crushing hug then tom and Shannon ran and hugged us.

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