10 || Nightmare Within a Nightmare

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Warning: This contains some graphic writing. Read at your own risk for it may be sensitive for some readers.


He had to have been seeing things. There is no way that he had just seen a scar on Indigo's jaw. Donatello clutched the arms of his office chair with anxiety arising within his chest. He could feel his heartbeat quickening and remembered the night he and his brothers were brutally injured. The mutant could feel his breath begin to shake the more he drew breath, knowing that the possible headquarters attacker was right here in his very home. If he was correct...

Donnie hopes that he is wrong.

While no one was paying any attention, Donatello logged back into his computer desktop and searched for that security footage video from police headquarters. As soon as he found it, he pressed play and reviewed the details of the attacker's face. The girl in the video who is the main target has dark hair, it's very long in length, and her facial expressions always seem to be angry. If Donatello thought about Indigo hard enough inside his mind, he could see that it didn't match up very well. If he wanted to make sure that his family was safe, he needed to confront her about the scar on her jawline. 

Donatello has taught himself that he needed to think things through before jumping to conclusions. He needed to make sure that every fact was correct before worrying about anything. He slowly turns in his office chair and faces his brothers, Splinter, Vern, and Indigo. Her back was facing him and he looked her figure up and down, not attracted to her in the slightest... Her figure is slender, and athletic, with a pair of long legs and well-fit arms in a beautiful face that any woman would have. Before Donnie could think anything else of Indigo, he heard some voices coming from the sewer tunnels and pretty soon April O'Neil and Casey Jones were coming in to join the conversation that was riling up in the living room.

He had no idea how he would confront Indigo. He might have to start a completely other conversation with her if he really wanted to find out why she has the scar on her jaw. He had to be very tactful about it, or he may scare Indie away. Even if Donnie is correct about who Indigo is—possibly this girl named Violetta—he still needs to keep quiet and exercise caution while making his next decisions, which will come in the coming days or even weeks.

Donnie finally managed to force himself out of his office chair and join the talk going on in the living room. He gave April and Casey a warm welcome by patting their shoulders. Donnie regarded Indigo cautiously, his expression devoid of any indication of anxiety. Donnie could see that Indigo was attentively taking in what Leonardo, Splinter, Raphael, and the others were saying. He watched her body language while she listened, paying attention to how her eyes moved or how her nose wrinkled. To determine what kind of person she truly was, he was accumulating every single fact about her. Is she a truthful person or a liar?

Indigo would soon catch on to this, and in an instant, Donnie would immediately turn his attention away from her. While she glanced at him, he licked his lower lip and bit it with his teeth to relieve the stress. If he's right about Indigo, he had to get out of there right away to avoid drawing attention to himself. He begs God to prove him wrong.

Donatello cleared his throat to speak. "Guys, sorry for my interruption. It's getting late." He said to his family. "If we want to find this HQ Attacker then we best rest up."

"Dude, it's only 8:30." Raphael pointed to the wall clock above Mikey's DJ set. Whoever was in the living room took a look at the clock and saw it wasn't too late in the evening.

"Well, I'm hitting the sack." Don said, gaining the courage to look down at Indie. "Maybe you should sleep, too."

Indie scoffed at him. "I'll sleep when I feel like it. Thanks for your concern, though, Donnie."

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