16 || Black Heart

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Donnie looks up from the Soldiers approaching him and his brothers. Next, he sees Rory has got Vi on the edge. Then he saw the darkened ninja cut Vi's legs, driving her over the building. "Violetta!!" He screamed.

The fight between the mutants and Foot had begun on the roof without another second going by, creating a bloodletting. Rory turned from the building, facing the Brothers from where she stood. "Finally!" She called out, walking straight for them. As every soldier fought and struck, the Brothers were doing the same thing, but Rory was having too much fun with this predator-toys-prey game. "Now, some worthy opponents!"

And then the Foot pulled a cowardly strategy. Since they claim they're the toughest ninjas of all, they thought it would be the best idea to bring out long poles that radiated electricity off the ends. This forced old memories to wedge their way into the Brothers' heads, reminding them of the first time they were captured.

The electric poles were shoved into each turtle's flesh in an instant, blasting thousands of volts into their muscle and bone. Michelangelo and Raphael fell to the ground immediately, while Leonardo and Donatello tried to fight the anguish, yet they were brought to their knees. It felt like fire was swarming all over their scaled limbs, chest, and head, searing them from the inside and practically making them feel like they were melting into puddles of ooze. Already added to the torture, they had multiple injuries from the Clan; deep gashes and blue bruises.

"AGHH!!" They cried out together before the poles were retreated and Rory felt the great pleasure of kicking Leonardo square in his jaw with one of her steel-toe shoes. He is one of the main targets since he is the leader of the four mutants. The force was so strong, that blood spat from Leo's mouth like a party popper and splitting his bottom lip. Leo's balance has been thrown off and his head rests on the roof. He couldn't hear much of anything now that he had been stunned by electricity and took a strike to the face.

"I f*cking hate happy endings." Rory chuckled, looking at each brother and the Foot surrounding them. "Look at all of you nasty, dreadful beasts!" She pointed out with her tanto. Donnie and Mikey look up from the roof's floor, seeing Rory's eyes through her mask are dark, and her vision filtered red. "Father will be so pleased with me! After you're all dead, the Foot will take over this city! Winning is what matters! I will take over."

Mikey groaned at the discomfort, holding his side which had burns which had cuts all over. He found the words he needed to share with this girl, no matter how brutal and monstrous she was. "No." He said, making Rory look at him.

"You think otherwise?" She tilted her head a him.

Mikey can see that this girl is afraid of Shredder-- the one she desires to call her father. She is just like Violetta, but she is older and adapted more to Shredder's wrongdoings and teachings. Rory is in a deeper hole than the Foot Soldiers, too. Mikey wants to teach Rory something that can be applied to many things in life and he says it calmly. "Our father taught us an important lesson... Never put passion in front of principle." He strained, still supporting his aching body. Rory narrowed her eyes at Mikey, stepping closer. "Because even if you win... you still lose." Mikey says to her.

The other three brothers, weakened by such violence, smirked at their little brother. Somehow, the party guy managed to calm the situation for a short moment. "Nice, Mikey." Raph mumbled.

The Foot Soldiers and Rory are silent, not responding to the words of this mutant. Before Rory could begin the slaughter, Michelangelo spoke again. "You're not afraid to love, Rory..." Mikey said to her. "You're just afraid of not being loved back."

Rory gripped her tanto, turning her back on the mutants. She ignored those words for only a moment, then to be sucked back into the rage she was in before. "I don't listen to freaks! Such a waste of oxygen!" She looked at them over her shoulder.

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