19 || We the Jury...

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During the past several days, it has been stressful...more than anyone can handle at this point. The conflict between the police, the mutants, April, Casey, Vern, the two ninja sisters, Shredder, and the Foot has made an immense impact on everyone. It changed lives in ways they couldn't imagine. It was thought to be a one-in-a-million chance for this type of crisis to occur.

Leo would massage his temples out of being a victim of headaches. He kept replaying certain moments in his head when Shredder unleashed his terror again. When the man was killed by his own daughter, Leo couldn't come to a conclusion for himself in regards to a daughter figure killing her 'father figure'. To this day after witnessing the murderer's death, Leo goes back and forth about how he feels about it. Was it right? Well, of course, it had to be right... right?

Then there was Donnie who is suffering from high-functioning anxiety. He'd feel his chest tighten and his bottom lip quiver from a lot of paranoia and uncomfortable noises and triggers. Hopefully, this isn't a case of PTSD. Besides his mental health, he is physically well and all he worries about is the girl who he adores no matter where she came from. He's thought of scenarios that he believes could become possible if that's what the future holds. Don likes the idea of teaching someone new things, sharing nerd facts or horseplaying around the lair, even catching the sunset through the skyscrapers of Manhattan.

Raphael was still processing what he and his family had experienced. From what it seems he's trying to let it all sink in. A big guy like him tries to hold in those emotions, but eventually, he'll break. Lately, he's been feeling very concerned for his friends such as April, Leo, and Mikey.

Mikey thought Vi's sister was going to share this wonderful and bright outcome. Instead, everything was snatched from her, including her life and it isn't fair in the slightest. He wishes he could have fought harder for Rory because he began to care for her even though they hardly shared anything in common besides being misunderstood. The young mutant turtle dreamed of Rory a few times and always got to see her smiling in each one and he'd be honored to share his miniature adventures of Rory to Violetta. All he could do was smile at the hopeless thought of Rory being here with him and his family. And most importantly, Violetta.

As for Splinter, well, that rat supports his children the best he can. There are times when a father can step in to be of help and if he needed to leave himself out, then he would. With this situation, he was there all the time, fighting alongside his sons to fight for Violetta and Rory. He wanted what was best for everyone and sometimes things don't go the way others wanted.

Today at the Police Station, the Brothers and Splinter are in one of the empty breakrooms watching the live stream of Violetta's court date. They consumed some refreshments that the law enforcement officers had provided them while they sat in silence in the chairs, almost stressed the entire time. They haven't said much at all and they won't say anything until Vi shows up on the screen.

As bad as it sounds to sit too close to the TV, Donnie sat up front and leaned on the table in his chair. From what he saw on the screen, he could see different faces of police, civilians whispering to each other, and then the judge walking into the courtroom. He adjusted himself in the seat, signaling to his family that the trial had begun.

Right away, the defendant appeared through the doors with police and her lawyer guiding her through the room and to an empty chair at a desk.

Iɴᴅɪɢᴏ & Sᴀɴᴅsᴛᴏɴᴇ || ᴀ ᴛᴍɴᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ '16【✓】 Where stories live. Discover now